Motorola C290
Reviews 22
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Sanyo vs. Motorola
I think if Motorola starts makin phones with more advanced features like the Vxxx series and the ones ive seen for Verizon and incorporate them with ptt they may give Sanyo some competition. But i know that this wont happen overnight but it could in the long run. Just a thought...
I wish you could see the new Sanyo's coming out. Bluetooth (FINALLY) and actually some good looking phones at great price points. Sorry, can't give out details but a basic camera model will be coming out very soon with many more (including a slim phone) to come. Motorola's are built solid but have ugly UI, bad software and bad reception. Just WAIT for the new Sanyo's, trust me!
Finally!!! Hopefully they keep that high RF for signal i still have my 4900!!
That's the real question - their quality is still awesome, but some of the newer hansets are slipping...
Perhaps they will up the ante, we'll just have to see.
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