Nokia 6682 / 6681
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Possible dumb question
Sep 28, 2006, 11:38 AM
Does anyone know how to find the ringtones that come with the phone in the menu system? A cow-orker liked the "Nostalgia" ringtone & wanted it for his SLVR, but I wasn't able to even find it. I tried using the built in file manager and FExplorer (great program!), but still can't find the list of tunes that comes with the phone. I'd love to be able to share them via BT, and to be able to get them onto my computer, but I can't find them . . .
And if this is something colossally easy, please tell me. 🙂
It's impossible. Nokia will not allow you to share the stock ringtones with any other phone. SE does, but the last 2 Nokia's I had, 6620 and 6682 will not allow it.
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