Audiovox CDM-9900
Audiovox 9900 Discontinued?
These phones are still available. Althought not through B&M Verizon shops. It is still available via. internet (in some zip codes, I'm in Michigan) or direct though Verizon over the phone. I just ordered two 9900's last Wednesday (24th)from a Verizon customer service person (phone), without any problems and recieved them yesterday, activated them last night over the net and they are working great today.
These phones are in limited supply although the rep say they did have plenty to get through to next year (estimated). Audiovox is getting out of the cell phone game, from my understanding. Although I do think this phone will be supported because it's essentially a Toshiba phone.
Good luck,
Contact: Dale @ 1-866-745-4679 ext. 4679
I have to agree. I did about three weeks' research before upgrading, and have toyed around with a 7100. The 9900 is much more solidly built, you can customize it so there's very little candy junk within the menus, and the battery life is listed as better than the 7100.
You'll be able to find parts for it. It's the best phone Verizon offers right now.
brian12345 said:
... my local Verizon store and they no longer have the Audiovox 9900 and don't appear to be getting any more. .
FWIW, I got the same story from my local Verizon store today.
The store manager said they were discontinued. He check the national "warehouse" and said there are 77 left nation-wide.
He had no explanation for them being discontinued.
The word was that there are no more. This may not mean that they don't have any in reserve, but they are definitely not available for sale. The Verizon rep on the phone said that Verizon employees couldn't even get a 9900, including herself đĸ .
I was also told that Verizon will be discontinuing all Audiovox phones. Too bad! What an awesome phone this 9900 is! Only the Nokia may have comparable reception.
I will be posting a review & some stuff in the forum when I have time.
It is too bad that they discontinued this phone. I travel a lot and I have not had any problem as far as reception. I can even talk on the phone while I was in an elevator where other people cannot. I just think this is the best phone for the money that VZW has to offer.
I found the last phone that Circuit City had in the state of Florida that way. They sent it down to the local store by Fed Ex. Great service by them!
I called CS and was told they no longer have the phone available. I'd also tried calling Internet sales and they don't have the phone in stock either. They told me the department that manages the Internet website supposed to take it of the website yesterday but somehow they did not. They also received an email yesterday telling them the phone is no longer available. I tried calling direct sales and they also don't have the phone available anymore. đĄ
I'm not sure how you placed your order, but I sure cannot get the phone anymore.