LG VX-4500
LG4500/Wireless Web
Also, you ATL'iens (Atlantans of Georgia! 🙂 ... hows coverage range on these pure digital phones?
Also, does the phone allow you to dial just 4 digits of a persons phone number in your phone book and then dial that phone number? My old samsung which is still in production and I love that feature.
Also, 4500 users... what do you think? I know the speakerphone is GREAT...BUT how is reception on the darn thing, does it fluctuate like Samsungs? Latest reps from Verizon are hush hush on the whole phone for some reason but we've...
Clem527 said:...
For anyone out there with Verizon Wireless and Wireless web access, is there a way to check your Yahoo! email account via your cell phone? I am mobile continously and sure makes life easy when your on the go.
Also, you ATL'iens (Atlantans of Georgia! 🙂 ... hows coverage range on these pure digital phones?
Also, does the phone allow you to dial just 4 digits of a persons phone number in your phone book and then dial that phone number? My old samsung which is still in production and I love that feature.
Also, 4500 users... what do you think? I know the speakerphone is GREAT...BUT how is reception on the darn thing, does it fluctuate like Samsungs? Latest reps from Verizon are hush hush on the who
I was looking for a Verizion user that already has it and done it. Or can go out there and test it before I purchase the plan! ANYONE??????
I need to confirm that its possible. The goofs at Town Center weren't around to let me test my theory so I am a little fubared now in that arena nad its important I can access one of my few yahoo accounts on my cell phone.
As for local interests, grab me on the handle shown here at yahoo.com. I'll probably get back to you w/ in 14 hrs or so.
I have a Verizon store closer to where I live on Roswell Rd in Marietta (by the Home Depot), but I prefer working with the folks at the Mansell Rd location. Even though the store is smaller, I get much better service there. They don't mind me playing with their phones to my heart's content. Don't know how far that is for you, but you might want to check out their location over the weekend and see if you can test the phone if you don't get resolution here or at one of the forums I mentioned above.
Try em out!
Have you actually done it on the phone and have access? I know it depends on the wireless web area and i'm fine w/ that. I'm worried about actually getting it to actually work and see my mail.
I just checked a yahoo account with no problem at all.
You can IM me mikewickedtoast on Yahoo, or infoghst on AIM if you want to get deeper into how it works.