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LG VX-4500


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Manner Mode on LG VX 4500?


Feb 6, 2004, 8:46 AM
Can anyone who has the new LG VX 4500 tell me if that annoying maaner mode button is still on the side of the phone just like the VX 4500 and VX 6000? Is there any way to lock that button?

I am trying to decide between the 4500 and the Samsung 530....any opinions on this?

Also, does anyone know if there is anything else coming out soon?

Feb 6, 2004, 11:35 AM
You can activate manner mode on the LG4500 by pressing 2nd button from top on side of the phone for about 3 seconds. Don't think you can lock it, but doubt you could accidentaly activate it.

Feb 6, 2004, 11:38 AM
I just know that friends and family who have the 4400 and have experienced having it go into manner mode while in their purse or pocket, subsequently missing calls.

Feb 6, 2004, 11:41 AM
The down volume now puts the phone into manner mode when closed. The bottom button initiates the voice command prompt or when held causes to go into driving mode. I have not gone into either manner mode or driving mode erroneously. I have been carrying the phone in my pocket a bit because the case from Verizon stinks. The swivel is too low causing the phone to go upside down and flip open when bumped.

Feb 6, 2004, 11:53 AM
2Fingers, didn't you get the plastic belt clip? Seems to work great.... I am guessing you bought the leather case. Try the belt clip that came in the box...

Feb 6, 2004, 1:04 PM
I do have the clip, but that doesn't help me when I drop the phone. The leather absorbs impact. Thats why I use the case. It also hides the ugly shape of the phone. As the name indicates, I have only two fingers on my right hand. Experience has proven that I drop stuff often. Thank goodness I'm not in prison, bar soap is more slippery than a phone.

Feb 7, 2004, 12:25 AM
the manner mode is easily activated by pressing and holding the star/shift key for three seconds....and unactivated by doing it again.....i have not activated it by the side of the phone and dont think you can.

Feb 7, 2004, 12:52 AM
Hold down the down volume button on the side with the flip closed. I do this off and on for manner mode all day. The 4400 went into manner mode by the bottom mode, but the 4500 is different. The bottom button goes into driver mode if held. If your phone is on and open, select the CLRi key, then hit the left direction on the navigate circle. You will see the function of the keys. 🤭

Feb 7, 2004, 9:18 AM
good call, while you can press and hold the shift key for manner mode with the phone open, it is certainly easier to press and hold the bottom side button 😁

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