Samsung SCH-U550
but who know they did just get those three new phones so they probably think they're set for a while.
i love alltel but their phone selection lacks .. well, selection
dombrowskichris said:
what are the chances of alltel grabbing this phone? they had its older brother and i think they discontinued it.
but who know they did just get those three new phones so they probably think they're set for a while.
i love alltel but their phone selection lacks .. well, selection
Providing VZW has no exclusive on this phone, then I believe there's a good chance Samsung might release this to Alltel in some form. The Gleam was one phone that Alltel got that was renamed the Muse, and that has a bit more features than the Gleam. So if Alltel does decide to release this phone, it might have a feature or 2 that the u550 doesn't have.