Motorola Z6c World Edition
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cost for overseas use?
does anyone know what type of package you have to add in order to use this phone overseas with verizon?
I do not think you need a specific package. You have to be 'approved' for international roaming then you pay a per minute charge based on where you are roaming.
Calls to or from the phone when overseas are about $1.29 or $2.49 per minute. They will sell this phone unlocked so you can put in your own European SIM. I have a phone on order and a SIM card to test. I hope it works because my SIM allows free incoming calls while in Europe.
Are you saying that Verizon is selling this as an unlocked phone? I would be surprised if that is the case, but it would be a welcome development.
It is sold locked. But Verizon will unlock it if requested.
I've been checking on this. The rep at my local Verizon store did not know whether the phone would be unlocked. I then called Verizon Global Services. The rep there said that it is Verizon's intent to release the unlock code but he said that he could not predict when this would occur. I asked him whether it would happen in the next month or so, or whether this will take much longer. He said he did not know. Since there is no guaranty as to when this might occur, I'm inclined to wait until it does occur before purchasing this phone.
I read somewhere, that once a customer has established a good record with Verizon, they'll unlock the GSM part of the Z6C to allow other SIM cards. If I purchase this phone, I'll just pay the roaming charges if in Europe as I'm sure it won't be bad...I'm sure it'll be competitive. In India I'd simply get a SIM card over there. Upon arrival in an airport in India, $1.29 a minute for urgent calls is reasonable. I don't know how easy it is to get a SIM card in China. Roaming rate in China is $1.29 a minute.
All told, this phone seems like a terrific thing. I don't care that it does not have 850/1900 bands...gsm thru at&t coverage in the usa is nowhere as good as VZW.
wait how do you get a sim that allows free incoming calls? i thought a sim was just something that stores your memory like contacts and music and stuff. When i get my phone can't i just purchase a regular one over here in the states and use it over there? and just wondering, the unlocked thing, is that about being able to use it over there????? thanks
alright i'm new to this lingo of unlocked and locked i assume its unlock=able to use overseas and locked= only in US?
i'm interested in this phone a lot. i travel a lot and i need a phone to be able to stay in contact and this looks like the nicest out of the international phones that verizon has. and i just want to buy it, buy the international package and be done with it so when i do go to the uk or spain that i'll have service.
When Verizon unlocks the phone, you will be able to buy SIM cards from someone like - a variety of plans tailored to your travel locations - and save $$.
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