Nokia N75
Reviews 69
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Branded phone
I've been reading this forum for awhile and I am amazed how many people are willing to buy a branded phone from cingular. IMHO the fcc should step in and stop this activity-if they want to get the 2 yr contract they should be able to accomplish that in other ways..i.e. discount on the plan or something on those lines. The things you cannot do on a branded phone just plain ruin the wonder Nokia has given up on the American market
🙄 what are you talking about? the phones 1/2 the price being branded, and what features do you lose out on? you still have s60 symbian so all the applications are compatable, besides if there is any issue reguarding the phones warranty its easier to call cingy than it is going straight thru nokia! so what are we losing out on?
Off the top of my head..wayfinder is one service that doesn't download to branded phones, as well as nav4all. Limited use of ringtones as well
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