Motorola RIZR Z3
Reviews 59
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RIZR coming to VZW????
Does any one know if the RIZR is coming to Verizon? I looked this phone up and it looks hot. I was very excited to get the SLVR CDMA version from Verizon but now i have seen this one offered by t-mobile & ill have to say it looks SWEET, per the reviews a very good phone. Anyhow if anyone knows about this release or if they are planning on it. Please let me know. Its a slider razor how awsome is that. I am not a fan of the flip phones however thats abuot all VZW has... so imagine my exictment when they announced the SLVR however this one has just got me wanting to switch providers.
How's the SLVR so far?
Oh its great thus far. The screens are a little slow but thats the typical Moto and VZW thing i guess every moto i have had with them (especially since vzw uses their own iud's) has had that slow response time and it depends on time of day when its slow or not.. I know its odd but thats just the tourtued life of a VZW customer. Verizon has all these sucky phones and their phones cant keep up with the services vcast etc... AT&T has all these great phones but no services offered. Whats a cell phone junky to do LOL.... p.s. did you realize that vzw did not have one phone that was NOT a clam shell until the SLVR! but I ramble on to much however the phone is great so far. Not crazy about the keypad but im sure they will release a newer verson so...
Apr 7, 2007, 10:36 PM
Yes it is coming & planned long back.
yoe, but called rokr z6m and z6tv. the exact same thing, only that the z6tv has a 1.3 mp camera, but allows you to watch live tv. its the same as the z3 not much differences other than verizon theme
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