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LG enV VX-9900


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enV vs. Sidekick 3


Jan 2, 2007, 1:00 AM
I have been looking at both of these. I already have verizon, I currently have the VX-8000, but I want a phone with a full key pad and such other similar features that both of the phones have. Which phone would do you guys think is the better buy?

Jan 3, 2007, 3:11 AM
I also have the VX-8000 currently. Personally, I think the enV is better than the Sidekick 3 (this is purely based on my research though - not personal experience). When I tried out both phones at the stores, based on the features and all I personally like the enV better than the Sidekick 3. But that's just me - I don't own it yet, just researching right now.

Jan 3, 2007, 11:22 AM
Well, considering you have Verizon, I'd go with the EnV.

Jan 3, 2007, 8:05 PM
the biggest difference you'll see is that the EnV dose not have a full html browser like the sidekick does. however the bluetooth on the sidekick is terrible and they've always seemed a bit fragile to me. as far as price they are about the same for the handset but t-mobile's service will be cheaper in most cases. presonally i would go with the sidekick because i like the full web browser, beats the hell outta wap! but both seem like pretty good phones.

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