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Picture from 8300 is mirror image when sent to email


Oct 25, 2006, 7:04 PM
Does anyone else have this problem? My husband sent me some pictures from his 8300 and they are mirror images of what is really there. Wedding rings are on the right hand, signs are reversed, etc. Anyone else has the same experience or is it just his phone?

Oct 26, 2006, 8:59 AM
Yes, I just noticed that same thing recently. It only happens if you have the phone closed. If you are using the external display, it presents the image as if you are looking in a mirror. Apparently the phone saves it in this mirrored format.

There is a workaround... If you have the phone open, you can still use the external display but the picture will come out correctly (not mirrored). Or you can flip it using photo editing software.

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