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Attn People with BT headset issues.


Oct 9, 2006, 5:33 PM
Lets see if we can come together here and see if the new update is doing anything to resolve the issues some of you have had with the 8300 and BT headsets.

I know v01 uses BT Lib Version Q301.01.10

We've heard that v03 adds support for stereo BT and 2gb microSD cards. Maybe the update to BT could affect performance with standard headsets.

To start maybe someone with v02 and v03 could check in the "SW Version" in the "Phone Info" menu and reply here with the BT Lib Versions and their experiences with how their headsets work compared to before the update.

Oct 18, 2006, 3:49 PM
I just purchased an 8300 and had it immediately flashed with V03, it has Bluetooth Lib Version: Q301.02.13. I can not say what the improvement with bluetooth is over V01. I can say that there is a night and day difference between the 8100 with the last software upgrade and the 8300 with v03. My calls are crystal clear and everyone says I sound no different than I do when I am using the phone alone. Hope this helps.

Oct 18, 2006, 5:10 PM
Thanks for the info. Good to hear that the 8300 /w v03 has excellent bluetooth quality.

If anyone who has had issues with the 8300 on v01 or v02 would try the upgrade and see if things change that would be awesome.

Oct 23, 2006, 3:34 PM
I started this thread with my only intention being to help those of you who have an lg 8300 and have some issues with the BT performance of the phone.

I strongly recommend anyone experiencing these issues to get their software upgraded from v01 or v02 to the current software which is v03 which DOES have a newer upgraded bluetooth library. So far nobody has reported any negative issues with v03 software which also adds BT stereo headset support, 2gb micosd cards support, and combines the mp3 and wma music players in to one player. I repeat v03 DOES NOT take away mp3 capability.

So to sum it up, get the upgrade, try out any BT headsets you have (yes I know some of you have several trying to find one that works well) and post your results...

Oct 24, 2006, 2:54 PM
I have to retract my statement about the bluetooth. I guess I reported too early. I am still having headset issues, primarily with echoing. I have had the problem on 3 headsets, which are positioned at the lowest volume levels. I am still in my 15 day return policy. Should I consider a different handset for better bluetooth connection? I know I gave up on the bluetooth with my 8100 for the most part. Is anyone else having any luck with Bluetooth headsets and the 8300?

Oct 24, 2006, 3:24 PM
I originally reported that after v03 upgrade, bluetooth was working great, however I have since been told by callers other than my regular callers that there is echo. It seems almost random, and it's very frustrating since your caller typically won't tell you they have echo. You really have to ask, which is stupid. I did have a Moto H500 which worked pretty well, then I was told by some nimrod at a VZW store that a Jabra 350 was their state of the art. It's far worse than the H500, so it's going back.

Oct 25, 2006, 11:45 AM
That sucks guys, but at least we can all see some feedback now.

FYI I used to use the 8100 which I know did have BT issues with many headsets. I personally used a Jabra BT500 with mine and didn't seem to have too many issues with it. Has anyone tried one of those?

Oct 25, 2006, 7:12 PM
Never tried that, however it looks like it might have less echo, since the sound coming from the earpiece is further away from the microphone. I have noted with both the Moto h500 and the smaller Jabra that there was a lot of echo for the caller when I had the volume up (on the freeway for example) then when the volume was lower, leading me to believe (logically) that the mike being so close to the earpiece was causing it to pick up sounds from the earpiece. I would much prefer a full boom BT like the corded Plantronics I have, one that moves the mike as far away from the earpiece as possible.

Oct 24, 2006, 10:32 AM
I tried the HS850 and H700 Motorola, both before and after the upgrade from Version 1 to version 3. I can spend a lot of space explaining why, but let me sum up both experiences in one word: HORRIBLE.

I've since purchased the Samsung WEP200 and I find its performance acceptable. Not 'blow your mind fantastic', not nearly as horrible as the Motorolas. But very competent, which, my expectations having been lowered so much lately, is actually great. Now if I can just figure out how to get the damn thing to stay in my ear.

I've also heard the Plantronics 510 is a good choice (from a performance perspective), but I'm an infrequent user and wanted something extremely small and portable and the 510 is a little bulky.

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