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Sony Ericsson W810


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Whats the real deal with the w810?

Jay Everette

Oct 1, 2006, 12:36 PM
Full legnth mp3s and aacs can't be assigned as ringtones?

PSP orbit theme and others aren't present on cingy's version?

Flashlight not enabled?

If this is true, I'm really not as hyped about getting this phone as I was...Does anyone know the real deal?

I'm reading all of this BS on HOFO and on here...
...Please tell me it isn't so!

Oct 1, 2006, 3:59 PM
I bought this phone yesterday, It is really good, it has tons of features and it comes with everything you need, I bought at a Cingular store and I was able to enable the flashlight this feature is located under calendar scroll down to the flashlight option and their you will see 4 different flash light settings like on for 1minute, SOS etc...it does have mp3 option to set as ring tone. What I suggest is to try it for your self...Cingular offers 30 day guarantee ... honestly I am going to return mine because their is a constant low buzzing noise on the phone when I am making a call and I know its not interference because I used the phone in a open parking lot, inside a pizza joint, outside of my house, in my car etc., and the noise is consta...

Oct 2, 2006, 12:49 PM
This is for pchecks, or anyone else using the cingular w810i:

Does the cingular branded w810i have the same hissing and/or buzzing during mp3 playback that the unbranded version has?

Oct 17, 2006, 9:49 PM
I got the Cingular phone about two weeks ago with the same 30-day deal in mind. I also have the problem with the low buzz in the earpiece. You can really only hear it when there's little or no noise around you. Also, you cannot hear it when using a headset or handsfree. I came from a CDMA network which I know has better call quality, but the phones offered just suck. That said, I don't feel like the W810i has great call quality. In various phone calls what I hear from the person I'm talking to is sometimes choppy and I'll get only parts of words... it gets really frustrating considering I have full signal and it becomes hard to carry on a conversation. (It's not all the time though.) I did some investigation and that choppiness doesn...

Oct 22, 2006, 12:31 AM
I bought an w810i from Cingular, and it died within 10 minutes. Cingular gave me a new one and it has been working flawlessly ever since. I really like the phone. I returned a LG CU-500 and chose this phone. I am VERY pleased with it.

Shop around, I saw it on Amazon for $99 with a 50 rebate. I paid the same at Cingular's corporate store. Oh by the way, if you get lousy service at one Cingular store, go to another. Same problem with SPRINT. Some stores are great and looking for the business, others are pathetic.

Oct 1, 2006, 9:05 PM
to answer your questions:

Full legnth mp3s and aacs can't be assigned as ringtones?

Full lenght mp4 or AAC audio files can't be done that way for ringtone. You need a program to crop the file for about 15 sec. worth of music to make it a ringtone.

PSP orbit theme and others aren't present on cingy's version?

I can't answer this for sure since Cingy is branded and may have not included it.

Flashlight not enabled?

You need to manualy enable it. Try this:
pres your shortcut button..it'll go to "My Shortcuts"...scroll down to light...press it and you have light. Cheers.. 🙂

Oct 1, 2006, 9:18 PM
I can assign full length mp3's as ringtones.
Jay Everette

Oct 3, 2006, 10:41 AM
Icy, don't you have an unlocked version?

Oct 3, 2006, 12:13 PM
Yes I do.
Jay Everette

Oct 3, 2006, 12:28 PM
Damn...I gotta get an unlocked w810...
I wonder if I could flash the branded phone, so it'll be as awesome as yours...
Do you know if the firmware is available for download?
...I know if I do this I'll probably have to unlock the phone again. I honestly don't care what I have to do to get the phone to fit my needs. I'll do whatever it takes...

Oct 3, 2006, 2:23 PM
I would like to know how to flash the w810 via the usb cable as well, or if there is some master reset code back to factory specs...the cingular software sucks..it's pushy on the media net usage and has a lot of features removed

Oct 3, 2006, 3:02 PM
What features were removed, and what do you mean by pushy on the media net usage?

Oct 22, 2006, 2:44 AM
Check out http://www.wotanserver.com or http://www.davinciteam.com

Oct 27, 2006, 9:15 AM
I had a Sony Ericsson W600 prior to this one ane thought -- oh cool, I am going to upgrade.

Well I bought the Sony Ericsson W810 and it has all the features of my old phone with the added feature of an expandable chip.

After buying the phone I discovered the following:

1. The feature of being able to assign an MP3 as a ring tone has been severly limited, so severe it is not even worth saying you can do it. According to Sony Ericsson, this was a feature limitation requested by Cingular to curb illegal MP3 sharing. Someone tell me, how is limiting the size (which is the way they limit it) of the MP3 going to stop me from sharing ALL THE OTHER MP3s on my phone with others? I can send any song I want to any MP3 capable phone I want ...

Oct 27, 2006, 10:22 AM
Oh ok, after reading that you posted the same thing to about 5 different things, I just realized you're being an idiot..

Oct 27, 2006, 12:26 PM
That's what you get for buying a branded phone through Cingular. 🙄 _All_ of the carriers do this in some capacity. It's why I left Verizon and bought an unbranded phone. I absolutely love my W810 and enjoy all of it's unlocked features. It's so nice to not have to use Bitpim and crazy workarounds to do simple things. 😁

Nov 18, 2006, 3:58 AM
MY phone auto change profile when i connect the hand free that came with the phone . you just have to add the device you want to the profile you want in profile configuration
Jay Everette

Oct 3, 2006, 10:48 AM
Thanks Emmy!

Do you know about full legnth mp3 being ringtones? I hear that cingys version blocks mp3s as ringtones, so you are pretty much forced to download mp3s from media net.

How scandalous!!

Unlocked w810s don't have this problem...
Does anybody have anything else to add?

Oct 3, 2006, 3:48 PM
I would assume you could go to and download the themes that are missing.....they are available for free.

Oct 3, 2006, 3:49 PM
OOOPS!!! Sony-Ericsson

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