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Motorola ROKR E2


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Jul 26, 2006, 6:19 PM


๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

Just got off with Motorola Rep and although he sounded nervous he did not say the phone was discontinued!!! He did say the release date has not been set and implied that it would be hitting the US!!

I'm writing to CELLULAR CONCEPTS and I'm going to have them show me the proof that the MotoRokr is discontinued!!! I will be PO'd if this is true and I'll get the China Model and try to put a Lang pack on it!!!!! BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 reply

Jul 17, 2006, 5:20 PM

Now it's the end of the Second Quarter

I'm going crazy over here ๐Ÿ‘€ First they tell us the 1st quarter and July now this!!! I resently figured out the email of one of the excutive chiefs at motorola customer relations and pressed the release of the E2 in the US... (7/17) I will post the response if any!!!

Here is where they anounce the new time frame:

http://www.mobiletracker.net/archives/2006/04/17/mot ... »

China seems to be loving it and Motorola seems to be surprised at how well it is doing over there!

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=10 ... »

If you want the Chinese version here it is on Chinese Ebay for 2,250.00? /?: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

http://cgi.ebay.com.cn/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ite ... »...
3 replies

Jul 23, 2006, 1:00 AM

http://www.motorola.com.cn/E2/minisite/index. html

๐Ÿ˜‰ Chinese MotoRokr kicks butt!! ๐Ÿคค

Follow the link and give the Flash site time to load:

http://www.motorola.com.cn/E2/minisite/i ndex.html

Jan 20, 2006, 2:46 PM

Is this phone going to come to Cingular?

Could you tell me if the E2 has a chance of comming to cingular like the E1. If so when
19 replies

Jun 22, 2006, 8:19 AM

Now available in China

http://www.motorola.com/mediacenter/news/detail.jsp? ... »

"The ROKR E2 is available at GOME stores now and will be available broadly later this summer."

3 replies

May 18, 2006, 6:01 PM

this phone just got its FCC approval....

๐Ÿ˜• no wonder it didnt drop in the 1st qt like it said ๐Ÿคจ
1 reply

Apr 4, 2006, 10:40 AM

whats new with e2

anything else arrize in the past couple months?

Feb 23, 2006, 12:08 PM


I was wondering when it will be avalible FROM cingular or directily from motorola unlocked..?

Also I was wondering if this phone supports the bluetooth profile used for salling clicker?

and lastly i was wondering if it will have itunes from cingular.

ps: what is iradio ?

my email is ryansully11 at yahoo
2 replies

Feb 22, 2006, 9:31 AM

exactly what new things are on this??

What have they fixed, what have they added??
Im reading alot and not understanding half.
-Radio capabilites
-do you have to pay for this??
-someone said you can hook it up with the
-car stereo, how so?

-what sort of problems have they fixed
-the only problems ive had with the E1 is
-how slow it is.

-what new things have they added
-can it hold more songs?
- whats new with bluetooth?
-on that note if anyone would like to
explain to me what exactly blutooth is..
seeing as ii have it and dont know how to
do anything with it. ive transfered one
ringtone with it and thats it, most of my
ringtones are locked so i dont see the
point. whats "sync" as well?
1 reply

Feb 9, 2006, 12:40 PM

Release Date???

Has anyone heard anything about a release date? I know that it is first quarter, but I'm pretty anxious about it.

Are there any demo's out?

Are they going to do the whole, "nobody knows until the day before" thing???
4 replies

Feb 12, 2006, 5:19 PM

Nice but...?

Okay they weeded out many of the old problems, and such, but did they fix the one major flaw with i-Tunes on the phone:

Will it play regular MP3's?

I really wanted the SLVR L7 until I found out it will only play iTunes downloads. The whole reason this phone appeals to me is I use iTunes to manage all my music but much of it isn't from the iTunes store.

Motorola, don't screw this up for me, or its back to a W600i. =P
2 replies

Feb 12, 2006, 1:30 AM

Quad-band - Confirm?

I've discovered info elsewhere on the net suggesting this phone may be tri-band. If MOTO decides to cut the quad-band from this phone, all I can say is they're f**king morons and didn't learn from the ROKR E1. The white papers on the MOTO site mention nothing of the GSM bands.

Can anyone confirm that this is in fact a quad-band?

Feb 1, 2006, 4:32 AM


some ppl said that this phone can use any headset...does that mean if i have the car connector thing i can play the songs in my car?

or does it mean i can use any headset on it ๐Ÿ™„
3 replies

Jan 10, 2006, 5:42 PM


๐Ÿ˜ฒ This is the fugliest phone ever. I can't believe that Motorola is putting out these crappy handsets. Why not make the L6 or L7 SLVR the ROKR phone? Those atleast have style and looks like MP3 Player. THis phone looks like a bar of soap. Its gonnna fail just like the first one
5 replies

Jan 11, 2006, 12:20 PM
over in the "CES 2006" discussion:

hey rich or eric!!!!!!!!

sorry to be a bother...but how does the rokr e2's feel, weight, a size compare to the e1? do the feel simular? how are the "outter" specs in comparison.

with all the added features the rokr e2 is making me think its going to be as heavy as my se s710a. is it or not?
11 replies

Jan 27, 2006, 11:45 PM


hey guys.. ii dont kno too much about phones in general.. ii have the E1.. and just saw the E2 and thought WOW.. im gonna get it as soon as it comes out.. but then ii read all the comments and stuff you guys have been posting an im alittle confussed on wether ii should get it or not.. ii love my E1.. can you guys explain some of the stuff youve been talking about??
4 replies

Jan 19, 2006, 10:13 PM
over in the "CES 2006" discussion:

W810 Does anybody know if this phone will be branded

I was wondering if this phone will be branded by a carrier and if so who? Or will we have to buy it through retail stores?
Does anybody know if the camera has same features as the W800??
I have the W800 but reception isn't good since it doesn't have the 850 band. But love everything else on the phone. Just wondering if the W810 will have some of the same camera features??? Thanks Rox
5 replies

Jan 11, 2006, 3:56 PM

Does this phone have stereo speakers and a head phone jack like the rokr?

Does this phone have stereo speakers and a head phone jack like the rokr? Stereo bluetooth headset is nice but I dont have a bluetooth headset so this feature is useless to me.
4 replies

Jan 9, 2006, 11:32 PM
over in the "CES 2006" discussion:

Alpha Tag

Anyone else notice that the alpha tag on the LG U320 says Cingular Extend? I though that was a thing of the past. Hmmmmm...

3 replies

Jan 22, 2006, 11:15 AM
over in the "CES 2006" discussion:

hey rich or eric!!!!!!!!......sorry to be a bug

since the w810 is an american exacto of the w800 does this mean we are too getting the external memory slot that supports pro and duo formats?

please do reply.
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