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Palm Treo 700w / 700wx


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Mar 14, 2006, 9:24 AM
1.) When I am on a call and I get another call the first call is put on hold but when I switch back the other line doesnt disconnect it just sits on hold. Am I doing something wrong?

(2.) During the day if I dont use my phone for an hour or two it will "freeze." By freeze I mean the screen wont turn back on. Is this a function of the settings that I need to change or just a Windows crash error?

3.) Active sysc (through USB) takes over 10 minutes. PLEASE HELP.

Mar 14, 2006, 10:14 AM
You might be doing something wrong, then again the Treo might be bad too. Take it to a VZW store and show them whats wrong. If the device is bad have it replaced.

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