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Palm Treo 700w / 700wx


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Running a Script - Phone Requires me to Exit Internet Explorer


Mar 1, 2006, 5:53 PM
I have an Overture account, which is like an EBay account, but it is for Pay Per Click advertising with yahoo. I own a golf reservation company and we book golf for every golf course in Las Vegas. I am trying to access my Overture account to adjust my bids when I am not in the office and my phone does not allow me to run scripts. I can view the site and login, but once I change a bid and try to update the bids in my account, it comes up with an error "Script Warning - A script is causing the device to run slowly. If it continue to run, your device may become unresponsive." If this continues, this phone now becomes useless to me for my work. PLEASE HELP!

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