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Palm Treo 700w / 700wx


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can 700w be used as a high-speed modem with a PC?


Jan 6, 2006, 6:26 PM
Is it possible to use the 700w as a high-speed modem with a PC on an unlimited smartphone EVDO data plan? If yes, must you tether it via a USB cable, or can you use Bluetooth? The VZW site does not mention tethering as a possibility with the 700w, though they DO with the Blackberry 7130. The site also states that bluetooth can be used to SYNC to a PC with the 700w, but makes no mention of dial-up capabilities. If it is physically possible, but not technically offered by VZW (and therefore not supported by customer service), how reliable is the connection? I bought a Moto V710 for the express purpose of using it as a bluetooth modem to my PC, which it actually worked as until VZW shut me down. thanks in advance for any advice!

Jan 6, 2006, 7:12 PM
From everything I have read, there's no way to DUN the 700w. I'm sure someone is working on it, but wouldn't hold my breath.

Jan 7, 2006, 1:51 AM
Quick question for you VZWNYC77,
You mentioned Verizon shut you down using your 710 as a modem. How so? Did they verbally tell you? Did you get billed or warned? Or did you just notice one day that the conneciton no longer worked?

Reason I ask, is I had a V710 and did the same with my Axim PPC and Dell laptop over bluetooth from Aug 2004 to July 2005, upgraded to the E815 and now connecting to EVDO. Never a problem, or warning. Just need to understand Verizons tactics since I am still in denail Verizon will ever stop it.


Jan 17, 2006, 10:03 AM
One day my V710 simply wouldnt connect via bluetooth - the PC would dial, the phone would show that it was dialing and then immediately drop the call. I called VZW and they told me they had a code that would fix the problem but wouldnt tell me the code because I wasnt supposed to use my V710 as a modem - I fired off the usual arguement that there is no way to pay for bluetooth dial-up service even if I wanted to (short of buying a separate PC card) and the rep was sympathetic, but wouldnt bend. To be honest, I'm sure I could have figured it out if I trolled the web for codes long enough but just couldnt be bothered, as when it did work, it would log itself off after a minute of inactivity and require me to reboot the phone in order to reconn...

Jan 8, 2006, 8:24 PM
pdanet should have a WM5 version soon. www.junefabrics.com

Jan 9, 2006, 8:52 AM
I should have the beta copy of it today or tomorrow so i've been told by them.

someone in upper management here already has a early beta with bugs, but it does work and with evdo and usb.

Jan 9, 2006, 11:33 AM
I just successfully used the 700 as a high speed modem with the pdanet beta software. works good.

Jan 10, 2006, 12:42 AM
Been using it for 4hrs straight..

Up to 1 megabit download speed evdo.
Up to 15KB/s on 1x.

Sure beats a dialup connection in any mode.

Still beta software and not perfect, but when you get used to its quirks, its works flawlessly.

Jan 17, 2006, 12:13 PM
SoarerTT said:
Still beta software and not perfect, but when you get used to its quirks, its works flawlessly.

So other than the things that don't work, it works great? LOL

Jan 17, 2006, 9:57 AM
great news! thanks.

Feb 19, 2006, 3:54 PM
do you know if you will be charged extra for teathering?

Mar 8, 2006, 7:47 AM
junefabrics.com ............ PDAnet, works like a charm and you could take advantage of high speed EVDO for DUN

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