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UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache


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Problems with POP3/IMAP email on XV6700


Feb 27, 2006, 11:37 PM
Early results with POP3 to my home mail server (Linux/Dovecot) were good. Then one day the phone decided it wasn't going to show me any new messages. Existing mail in my inbox was still visible, but nothing new. So I switched to IMAP4. Again, early results were good, then one day I had no mail at all in my inbox! Next day I had half my messages. Then no mail again. Then all my messages. Then none of them. Etc. I haven't been able to make much sense of it. Each time it "rediscovers" the contents of my inbox, most messages are marked "unread" again, which is also annoying. I've looked through every setting I can find, no joy. I've got the "show last three days only" feature turned off.

Any ideas? Or any suggestions for Pocket ...

Mar 1, 2006, 5:52 PM
No one else has hit problems with POP3/IMAP4 and the built-in email client?

No praiseworthy alternative email software either?

Please, if you know anything... This problem is really driving me batty and rendering the device near useless for doing email.


Mar 2, 2006, 12:23 AM
I am with my premium Yahoo! account. I can receive emails, but I can not send emails from the account. It says: "Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email account settings are corrcet. Then try again."

Mar 2, 2006, 1:57 AM
That sounds like server/port settings. Might want to check with Yahoo and see what they are supposed to be. Or someone here might know.


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