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???Verizon PDA/Smartphone Data package???


Feb 9, 2006, 12:47 PM
I just wanted to know if anyone out there is familiar with Verizon's data package? Just got the xv6700 I planned on surfing the net and using it as my cell phone. Just a couple questions.

Does it count the data for both dial up and WiFi internet. Can I browse using either sevice without piling up the data usage?

Can I sign to Verizon's mobile web cell phone service and browse the net. Without paying the 50 buck a month or $0.005 a kb?

Finally does using the usb cable or messaging count against my data usage???


Feb 9, 2006, 2:53 PM
What I have found is that pretty much any plan except unlimited is not a good deal. If my math is correct that is $5 per extra MB for the lower plan. I easily go over the minimum and I don't really surf all that much. It just adds up ridiculously quickly with images on web pages, images sent and received as attachements.

If you connect with wifi it does not count against your data usage. Text messaging is billed seperately. Tranferring via usb is not charged for either.

I have the core bundle of unlimited and 450 minutes for $80 total.

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