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Bluetooth GPS? Bluetooth headset?


Feb 5, 2006, 5:32 PM
Two quick questions
can someone recommend a good gps unit to use with my xv6700? that would be awesome in the car.

Also is there such thing as a bluetooth headset to use with jogging to play mp3s from the phone?


Feb 5, 2006, 9:00 PM
Motorola makes a pair of stereo behind the head bluetooth headphones but I don't think that the 6700 does stereo transmission and what do you mean by a good unit to use with your 6700? Are you looking for gps software or a good unit to use separately?

Feb 5, 2006, 10:12 PM
I don't know much about gps. I am assuming that you need some sort of hardware add on and the software? Or is it just software?

IF you could recommend a good brand, would appreciate it

Feb 5, 2006, 10:18 PM
I've heard that you can get the Garmin software for your 6700 which I would recommend highly since it would save you at least $600 on a unit which would just do the same thing. If you want one then go for a Magellan or the Tom Tom.

Feb 7, 2006, 11:40 AM
There are BT headsets you can use to listen to music. Not sure about the stereo vs. mono thing mentioned by another poster, but if you google "bluetooth stereo headsets" (include the quotes), you'll get a list of possibilities.

As for GPS, you will need both a GPS hardware receiver and a software map package. If you have neither, many companies sell very good bundles. One site that has good info is www.buygpsnow.com.


You will want to find something that has the SirfStar III chipset. This is probably the best chipset on the market today. The sensitivity is VERY high, and many of these receivers are also WAAS compatible, making your accuracy that much higher.

For a long time, Globalsat got one glowing review after another ...

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