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UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache


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Discontinued by Sprint??


Feb 1, 2006, 11:27 AM
I went to a local Sprint store last night to buy the phone and they said it's been discontinued. The only way I can get it is by finding a store that still has some in stock or by calling the 1-800 number.

Has anyone else heard about this? The Sprint employee said they had pulled it from the market because it had too many problems?

Weird to me since they still stock the 6600 and since so many who've bought it seem to like it.

Feb 1, 2006, 12:32 PM
I manage a Sprint store. This phone is not discontinued. You must have wanted to do an upgrade instead of setting up new service. Most stores have a limited supply of ppc 6700 and try to sit on the inventory waiting for a new customer to make commission. If you want to upgrade to this phone, just go to Best Buy or something so that you don't have to deal with the politics.

Feb 1, 2006, 11:21 PM
or go to verizon and really skip the politics, I was in the store for less than 45 minutes and walked out talking on it.

Feb 2, 2006, 9:11 AM
actually, i was setting up new service. i'm a former verizon customer and decided to switch over to sprint because of the flexible plans and more economical data plan.

i called the 1-800 number yesterday and the phone is on its way to my doorstep. it obviously wasn't discontinued. don't know what the guy in the store was talking about. he was confused on a couple of other details as well.

Feb 2, 2006, 12:54 PM
I have been using this phone since it was first introduced by Sprint and I was already a long term Sprint customer. The Sprint retail stores are typically hot spots for youngsters looking for camera phones and the retail staff are generally too young and uninformed to be of any help when a business customer comes in. The entire experience of aquiring the phone and getting a rebate was frustrating. I wound up spending close to two hours on the Sprint customer care phone line before I was able to purchase and have the phone sent to my home. Entirely too much trouble for a power user of cellular service in my opinion. The business channel has all but dissapeared and the great business reps have gone on to bigger and better things. This is...

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