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HTC 8125 / 8100 / MDA (USA) / K-JAM / P4300 (Wizard)


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Custom Ringtones


May 25, 2006, 11:15 PM
I am trying to make a ringtone out of Axel F.

I have the full song in wma format. I downlaoded Wavepad to shorten it to about 25 seconds. I try saving it in different quality settings, as a wma file and as an mp3 file. I get it to play as a ringtone but it sounds very hissy. The real song playing in WMP sounds great.

How can I fix this?

May 27, 2006, 1:09 PM
Check the quality you're saving it as when you cut it down. A lot of times, WMA's are set to very low quality for good stream results, you just have to go into Advance or options when you're saving it and put it at a bit higher quality. I hope that helps 🙂

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