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HTC 8125 / 8100 / MDA (USA) / K-JAM / P4300 (Wizard)


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Cingular dataplans


Apr 26, 2006, 12:41 PM
Since this phone has WiFi and WiFi is most everywhere I go, I was thinking of getting it without a dataplan. Is that a stupid idea? Of course, the Cingular salesman I talked to was pushing the unlimited plan. Is there a way to turn EDGE/GPRS off so that I only use WiFi for Internet?

Apr 27, 2006, 12:12 AM
YES!!!!! If you go to start > settings > connections tab > connections icon > under "Media Net" at the top of the screen choose setup my proxy server > "uncheck" this network uses a proxy server to connetct to the internet (ONLY)......the top check box "this network connects to the internet REMAINS checked!!!!!!!!!!

Note.....this is also necessary to use Wifi "anyway", if the lower box is checked it will try to connect to EDGE..... make note of the address in that box wireless.cingular.com as it IS necessary to connect to EDGE if you need it in the future...


Apr 27, 2006, 10:19 AM
You can also request the Cingular block the data from the Network side. That way, you'll never have to worry about accidentally connecting to the network & being charged. If you're near a wifi network all the time, that seems like a good way to save some Cash.

Apr 28, 2006, 12:37 PM
Confirmed - did the same thing for my Wife's 8125 as she doesn't need data that much, and when she does, she can Wi-Fi to get it. This is an excellent way to ensure that you don't get billed for that kind of access.

You can also go to Start | Settings | Connections Tab | Connections | Advanced Tab then click on Select Networks.

From there, you will have two pull-downs: one for Programs that automatically connect to the Internet and the other for connecting to a Private Network.

Presuming you've set up your Wi-Fi connection for the "Private Network", you can set your "Internet Connection" to the same connection as your "Private Network" connection (e.g. un-selecting MEdia Net and selecting "My Wi-Fi" or whatever you called it). Then ...

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