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HTC 8125 / 8100 / MDA (USA) / K-JAM / P4300 (Wizard)


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Feb 27, 2006, 8:38 PM
Can you apply windows media files as ringtones? If so how do you do it step by step.

Mar 1, 2006, 5:33 PM
if you find out how to apply windows ringtones to contacts please let me know

Mar 1, 2006, 6:17 PM
For best results, start out by installing ActivSync 4.1 on your computer and having a USB-to-USBmini cable handy so that you can plug your phone into an available USB port on your computer.

1. To add ringtones to your phone:

Place them in the Windows/Rings directory on the phone.

After you do that, they should be available to select from the list.

2. To set a custom ringtone for a contact:

  1. Open your contacts.
  2. Select the contact you want to customize.
  3. Select the phone number of that contact you want to customize.
  4. Choose "Edit."
  5. Scroll down to Ring Town and click on the box/line for that option.
  6. Choose the ring tone you want to use.
  7. Close and save your changes.

Mar 10, 2006, 3:46 PM
How r u placing the ringtones in the rings folder. Right now I have to sync to my mini SD then copy the songs from the card to rings. I think they r thn being saved on the phone anyway. Tell me there is an easier way?

Mar 11, 2006, 6:54 PM
First, download and install ActiveSync 4.1 from microsoft's website on your computer:

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/downloads/act ... »

Then, use the USB->miniUSB connection cable that came with your phone.

Here's what that cable looks like:
http://images10.newegg.com/NeweggImage/productimage/ ... »

This will install the necessary drivers so that the computer will be able to browse the phone's directories.

Mar 23, 2006, 3:10 AM
I've been using activesync. It's a pain in the ass to get the synced songs in the rings folder. And, I don't know how much longer I can do that since that folder is stored on the phone? When the phone runs out of memory are the rings gonna just "overflow" into the mini sd card? Or will I be SOL once its full?

Mar 23, 2006, 11:53 AM
To use windows media as ringtones, you have to do this.


File Explorer

SD Card


Select what you want (ie M W Smith)

Open file select song holding stylus on it, a pop up menu will display, at the bottom of that menu it says...select as ringtone.

select that selection.

If you get an error that says this ringtone is not working, select another ringtone, you will have to redownload all the songs again, you have lost you license for those songs off the CD. I know it is a hastle but it works. Just delete that song (if it is from a CD, don't need to respend money for an mp3 download song) reload it and resync it with your device.

e-mail me if you have any questions.

Mar 23, 2006, 11:58 AM
Please don't take offense but, if you're worried about space in your ringtones folder you should bear this in mind:

A 3 minute song is not a ringtone. It's a song. Grab a program off the 'net like Audacity and cut it down to a 30 second ringtone.

Do you have a different ringtone for everyone in your Contacts? Try whittling it down to a ringtone for every Contact type and you won't worry so much about space.

Also, make sure to use mp3 and midi over other audio formats.

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