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Samsung SCH-i730


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Memory Problem


Jul 5, 2005, 10:13 PM
I have had my i730 since Friday. The phone work great for the most part. Overall, I am still very happy with my purchase. I have crashed the machine already. I was checking out all the different programs and tabs. Suddenly the entire system froze up. I had to remove the battery and restart the machine. I could not understand why the machine froze up. I checked with a friend of mine how has T-Mobile's Pocket PC 2003. He advised that I should check my running programs under the memory tab. When I open this tap, I found 4 to 5 programs still running that I thought I had exit out. I have now been checking this tab regularly and still notice that many program are not shutting down when I exit them. Is anyone else having a similar probl...

Jul 5, 2005, 11:46 PM
The problem with the stock Pocket PC 2003 is the 'X' button in the corner for 'closing' applications really just minimizes to a fake taskbar. To actually end the program you need to go to memory and choose to close the running programs or you can d/l a third party software like SBP Pocket Plus which will actually close programs for you.

As a side note, a cool little thing that has been found: We all know of the upper right button on the i730 that pulls up the mini task manager, but did you know if you hold the button down for a couple seconds it pulls up a list of active programs (just like alt-tab does in Windows)? Have fun!

Jul 6, 2005, 10:00 PM

Thanks for the reply.

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