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i730 Cradle - Does it Really Work?


Jul 1, 2005, 8:32 AM
How are you suppose to use the cradle that comes with the i730? Has anyone else found it difficult to insert the phone in the cradle?

Jul 1, 2005, 9:02 AM
Based on my experience and similar frustrations, I found that the phone simply sits atop the male connection on the cradle and hold lightly into place. You can tell if it's working by looking for the light to appear on the cradle. Also, there's a place to charge the second battery just below.

Jul 1, 2005, 9:08 AM
That is what I found, I just did not think that could be right. It is a huge annoyance when you do not know if the phone is sitting right or about to fall off. Weird.

On another note, can you understand why the cradle has so many moving pieces? There appears to be no purpose for the hinge action.

Jul 1, 2005, 9:16 AM
Go to pdaphonehome.com. It shows a picture of how to do it. One you get the hang of it, its simple.

Jul 2, 2005, 12:28 AM
if you are referring to the two photos under the FAQ (#15??) I think that the one marked BAD in red is the correct way to set it up, especially if you are charging the second battery at the same time!! Also, there is a little decal with a diagram on the base right where the extra battery fits in with the latrch closed -- the diagram about pulling it forward, not up -- that is the one that suggests that the Bad one in the pdaphonehome contrasting pictures is indeed the CORRECT way to do it -- it does seem a little odd to have it just stgand up from the cradle like that, but thatg seems to bve the way -- also, your need to make sure you have insertede it sufficiently snugly so that the green light does come on -- when I first set it in i only...

Jul 2, 2005, 12:52 AM
OOOPS!!! the above post is flat wrong -- see my post below under coverhawk --the good phote in FAQ #15 IS correct:

http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&thr ... »

Jul 1, 2005, 10:54 AM
The cradle is actually designed to be foldable for travel...the grey piece actually rotates around the front of the cradle to become the supporting structure behind the i730. I would take a picture, but don't have access to my cradle at work.

Jul 2, 2005, 12:50 AM
Thanks for this post -- my earlier post is just flat WRONG!! The GOOD pictue in FAQ #15 from pdaphonehome IS correct -- here it is (along with the rest of the FAQs):

http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&thr ... »

It is a little deceptive from the angle of the photo -- the "good" photo is angled so that you cannot see the space for charging the extra battery -- now my charging icon is bvack tgo red and i suppose it will stay that way until i get a full charge

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