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Samsung SCH-i730


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Mobile 5 compatiblity with i730?


Jun 16, 2005, 1:54 AM
I've been looking at both the XV6600 and the i730. (The Treo 650 is way out-classed in this field.)

One thing that is a major deal buster for the XV6600 is that Audiovox is saying that it's platform is not compatible with Windows Mobile 5. Everything that I've read about WM-5 sounds good: Greatly improved one-handed phone use, increased battery life, better data protection during loss of power, etc.

Does anyone have solid information on the i730's compatibility with WM-5.

Jun 16, 2005, 3:51 PM
Search the posting boards, I do recall seeing something that stated Samsung and verizon will be releasing an update for i730 when WM 5 come avaliable. Same way VZW did with the I600.

Jun 19, 2005, 3:05 PM
I posted some concerns awhile ago about their compatibility. When I saw a preliminary review on Mobile 5 that said that it requires 64M Ram, I was concerned that the i730 might choke because the i730 only has 64M RAM. Since then, Microsoft published that Mobile 5 only needs 32M RAM, so that part of the equation shouldn't be a problem.

I still haven't heard or read anything specifically about the i730's platform compatible. The Audiovox XV6600 is very similar to the i730, same OS, has 128M RAM, but it is NOT upgradeable to WM-5.

If you have any links confirming or denying the compatibility, I'd like to see them.

Jun 19, 2005, 3:42 PM
The I730 was designed to be forward compatible with Magneto, but it is up to Verizon whether or not an update will come out. I am sure it will, you just have to give it time. Check out the link below (bottom of page):

https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/ctia_2005/index. ... »

Jun 20, 2005, 9:41 PM
Thanks for the i730/Magneto compatibility info. Except for the lack of DUN, and the lack of a camera, which hopefully will only be a temporary issue, it sounds like the i730 will be the best PDA/Phone out for a while, assuming that it performs as advertised and it is reliable.

Sep 26, 2005, 8:05 PM
Can someone confirm that Im understanding this correctly, being a PDA newbie... Theres a large possibilty that if I buy an i730 today, verizon, my carrier would probably have an upgrade available for it to Mobile 5?

Do they charge for such upgrades? if so, how much do they generally cost?

Chris H

Sep 27, 2005, 4:16 AM
The i730 is designed to be upgradable and to upgrade to 2003 from 2002 on Verizon (for i600) it was free.... Hope this helps...

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