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LG VX-8100


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Sweet Phone too bad


Jul 14, 2005, 6:49 PM
Sweet phone, too bad Veri$on disabled it.

Why make a phone with buttons on the front that were obviously made for interfacing some kind of MP3 Player and then disable it?!

I can still listen to my IPOD even though I don’t buy music through I tunes…. But yet Verizon is obviously only going ot allow you to use the MP3 player if you buy through their MOD service?!?! Lame!! On top of it, why disable Bluetooth again!?

LG FINALLY manufactures a sweet phone exclusively to Verizon that is on par with many phones that are currently offered to other carriers… And then Verizon disables it?!?!

All in the name of Greed!! Look before anyone jumps down my back about how they need to make money, I know… but there is a difference between raping...

Jul 14, 2005, 7:34 PM
In short you should not have to be a techie and have to download mp3’s through bitpim in order to get something working that the manufacture states is part of a finished product. Nor should you have to use a USB cable when Bluetooth is builtin.

Where did LG claim this was a portable music player? Even on their website the only mention of music is..

Easy Access to Music Through External Keys

It also specifically states it will only work with the headset, and hands-free Blue Tooth profiles.

If you're so unhappy with Verizon and this phone, why don't you just leave? Nobody will miss you so you're free to leave right away.

Jul 14, 2005, 8:31 PM
wow that is a little harsh considering he makes a good point, i will still buy the phone but it is annoying that i will have to hack the phone to use that feature, which had been stated as being on the phone on all pre launch documents, which got their stats from lg. crap, even look at the phonescoop pre launch documents that were posted they didn't dream up the mp3 player, it was supposed to be on there and was removed last minute, just annoying becuase that and the bluetooth were my main reasons for switching from my 8000. oh well, warm up the the data cable 😈

Jul 14, 2005, 8:45 PM
Information in Phonescoop isn't official. Why would you expect Verizon to deliver any feature because it was here?

The mp3 player will be part of music on demand. Please show me a document from Verizon that says this was the new iPod

Jul 15, 2005, 9:54 AM
phonescoop was not the only site to post those specs. at ctia the manufacturer was displaying and hyping this phone with that feature, I am not trying to start a fight, as previously stated i am still going to buy it, however it is bs. Verizon never promised that, i am not mad at verizon, i sell verizon, but it is a little disapointing, you get your hopes up and the bam!

Jul 15, 2005, 10:19 AM
lets all shed a tear as this kid leaves verizon. 🙄

verizon doesnt care. heres a fact for you. for every person that leaves verizon, 4 come on as new customers. you think they care? yes but not as much as you think! 😕

Jul 15, 2005, 10:30 AM
Wow. What does that have to do with anything? The guy has every right to complain about what was being hyped up before release, only to get cut in the final release.

Jul 18, 2005, 6:31 PM
Umm.. Verizon never said this, but AS IT HAS BEEN MENTIONED HERE BEFORE...... IT IS STATED ON THE MANUFACTURES WEB SITE.... IF they built it into the product, then it should be available.... that is all I am stating....

This is like the MA Bell days when you had to use a specific phone to be on a carriers nw.... we should be able to pick any phone we want....

Jul 15, 2005, 11:44 AM
kevski19 said:
This phone is sweet, but I will not buy a crippled phone...? would you buy a crippled IPOD that would only work with itunes? My next phone is the W600

The only thing dumber than Verizon crippling this phone is those of you dumb enough to buy a crippled phone and then think that it rocks!

If you look at it the way some people seem to I have bought several crippled iPods since all they do is play music and not take pics, place calls, figure out my tips, bake me muffins, etc.

Jul 15, 2005, 12:43 PM
Obviously you've never used another carrier. Good luck with that from someone who has had many through personal and work. Go buy the phone outright if you don't want it disabled and have it activated. Also, the buttons are for video through V-Cast, but that would require you to read, which clearly you have trouble doing. I figure I won't be seeing you at one of my MENSA meetings anytime soon. Try prune juice, maybe that will make you more regular and less hostile.

Jul 18, 2005, 6:28 PM
MENSA? you wish... If you were a member then you would go to LG's site and see that they state that this phone can be used to play MP3's. So why don't you take your highly inept mind and read...

Secondly, I have had nextel, sprint and ATT... and they all have their issues.... All I stated was the facts... you obviously have not been drinking your prune juice with such a low brow response.

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