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LG VX-8100


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well i've waited all i could....


Jun 16, 2005, 8:27 AM
lol....taking my new phone i got 2 weeks ago and telling them i wanna go back to my vx6000 until the vx8100 comes out....gawd, i hope they don't hate me.....lol 🤭

Jun 16, 2005, 8:48 AM
i did the same thing. I brought the vx7000 back and reactivated my 6000. They didn't even blink.

Jun 16, 2005, 12:10 PM
youre going back to the 6000?? why not even the 6100? it at least has speakphone.

Jun 16, 2005, 12:29 PM
He is probably doing a never-install so he would have to go back to the 6000, other wise he could do a never-install and then do another upgrade to the 6100 and then use the 15 day return policy again... but that is just mean 😲

Jun 16, 2005, 12:38 PM
what happened was i went to get the 8000 but didn't really want it because it was too big and no bluetooth.....THEN i saw the v710 but no vcast....SO, i decided to go with a cute new little phone without any fancy features for another year until lg came out with a bluetooth.......so BOOM i get teh samsung n330....and was gonna pass my 6000 to my daughter cuz her kyocera is falling apart....low and behold, i find this website and find out that 8100 is coming out soon with bluetooht.....so i though DAMMITT!!!! i'm taking my new phone back and going back to my 6000 that i already have until the 8100 comes out.....make sense.....i hope so cuz i'm confused now..... 🤭

Jun 17, 2005, 7:21 AM
🙄 wow...thats crazy because the 330 and the 8000 are on completely seperate levels! well...whatever floats your boat!

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