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LG VX-8100


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Get a clue people


May 25, 2005, 1:30 PM
This phone is just another verizon hack job. To me its the same phone as my boring lg6100.

May 25, 2005, 10:01 PM
you're kidding right? if you aren't, you're the one who needs a clue. you should start by comparing the the two before posting a comment like that. its just stupid. it's like saying that last years computers are the same as this years. it's technology, it improves every minute

May 25, 2005, 11:08 PM
i agree with gboys09, things are always being inovated and made better.

May 26, 2005, 9:05 AM
How can you say it's the same as the 6100? First of all, it is an EVDO phone, which means it can connect to the internet faster and havs VCast cabability. Second, it ads a full color external screen. Third, it can record 200 Voice Memos, up to 1 minute EACH. Fourth, it upgrades the camera to a 1.3 mege. Fifth, it ads about 66 hours to the standby time on the battery. Sixth, it is a Bluetooth phone. Seventh, it has a mini SD card expansion slot. Eighth, it can play MP3's. Ninth, it can capture video. Yep, sounds like the 6100 to me LOL.

May 26, 2005, 3:34 PM
1) vcast is a joke and you know it. (pre-recorded garbadge)

2) color front screen, big deal. Can't see it worth a damn in the sunlight. ALl talke the mono on 6100

3) all leave that one alone, we both know that was a stretch to even mention it on your part.

4) does anybody really use a camera on a cell phone, please... all cellphone cameras are poor quality. And you know it.

5)the battery one the 6100 is fine.

6) come on mofo you I and know it aint no bluetooth phone, dont even go there.

7)SD crippled..lol come on guy

😎 video capture, lol

Now that I have checked you, tell us some more lies why we would really want to buy this crippled hack job. The feature are bogus.

May 26, 2005, 3:54 PM
Well I think everyone here knows that VZW will be crippling all of their Bluetooth and flash memory-capable phones until that stupid BREW contract is up anyway, so your point is rather moot when we're strictly talking about VZW's phone selection. You might have been able to make a few other solid points if you weren't such a moron with terrible English though. Maybe by the time you get all of that taken care of, VZW and LG will come out with a phone that isn't a "crippled hack job."

The 8100 is by no means a divine blessing, but it does have some very useful features that a lot of VZW customers can enjoy. While syncing and doing file swapping via BT would be nice, its uses for wireless headsets and modem capabilities are welcome feat...

May 26, 2005, 4:29 PM
I wish people would stop insulting one another,it's not very mature.

May 27, 2005, 8:41 AM
ok I use an lg8000 and my wife has the 6100. Vcast is basically usless, however I do enjoy the 3d vcast games. my speaker phone works better by far. The diference in the picture quality is huge. We have a photo printer and I have pitures taken and printed off the 6100 in my store to show customers, they are not even close to the quality of the lg8000. I actually save printed and framed a 5x7 photo that looks as good as the pix of my sony cyber shot. Obviously i can blow them up to poster size with a megapixel, but small pictures look great. The outside color is nice if you want someones picture to show when they call, I have no problem seeing it in the sunlight. The sound is much better on your ringtones, I use a data cable and put ringers i...

May 26, 2005, 7:57 PM
I dont know about you but bluetooth to me means you can talk hands free no wires that is a very big upgrade from the measley 6100 crippled my ass its just fine for what i want to use it for.......a phone wow using a cell phone to make calls who would have thought about that..duh 👿

May 27, 2005, 1:20 PM
You're crazy man.

May 27, 2005, 3:17 PM
crazy to use a cell phone as a cell phone ok
sure whatever you say. if thats crazy im happy to be just that! 😕

May 27, 2005, 3:25 PM
using a cell phone as a cell phone? boy if thats crazy im all up on it , so i guess thank you!

May 27, 2005, 1:54 PM
Natas said:
1) vcast is a joke and you know it. (pre-recorded garbadge)

2) color front screen, big deal. Can't see it worth a damn in the sunlight. ALl talke the mono on 6100

3) all leave that one alone, we both know that was a stretch to even mention it on your part.

4) does anybody really use a camera on a cell phone, please... all cellphone cameras are poor quality. And you know it.

5)the battery one the 6100 is fine.

6) come on mofo you I and know it aint no bluetooth phone, dont even go there.

7)SD crippled..lol come on guy

😎 video capture, lol

Now that I have checked you, tell us some more lies why we would really want to buy this crippled hack job. The feature are bogus.


May 27, 2005, 3:33 PM
Thank you. You can hack on me all you want, that's fine. I own a Nokia 6620 guy, now that is a phone. The lg8100 is a friggin joke and you know it. I'm a verizon customer pal and love the service but until verizon puts out some phones worth a damn it is what it is.

May 28, 2005, 2:40 PM
can you talk wireless headset with your nokia 6620? without the adapter that plugs into the side of the phone? just curious? bluetooth?

May 28, 2005, 10:02 PM
Yes, no adapter is needed with the Nokia 6620

May 30, 2005, 3:40 AM
thanks, it figures its not available to verizon
customers. oh well but thank you for the info.

May 28, 2005, 10:42 PM
Natas said:
Thank you. You can hack on me all you want, that's fine. I own a Nokia 6620 guy, now that is a phone. The lg8100 is a friggin joke and you know it.

You are so pathetic...you are the one who hacks people for not having the same opinion and then when someone disagrees with you, you have no argument to support your opinion. Even above, you have no argument. All you can say is "the lg8100 is a joke and you know it".

You start this thread and you can't even have the intelligence to carry a meaningful conversation and justify your opinion. You act like everyone should take your opinion just because you say so. What's even more of a joke is that you are saying this before the phone is even avai...

May 29, 2005, 12:48 AM
blah blah blah, say what you will I don't care. You can keep on trying to insult me brah. You can view the list of features on the lg8100 and they are not impressive in my opinion. All my statements are my opinion and I can do that. You must be a non-freedom loving demoncrat.(lol) I can say what I want when I want guy. The features in my opinion arn't that great. It has added features compared to the 6100 yes! but crippled bluetooth,& sd card, and a little better battery or camera is not going to be worth the price of the phone.Once again my opionion.I don't know why my post upset you so much,I'm just on here having a good time and learning about new cellular technology. Now go ahead and think of something witty to say, your statement will ...

May 26, 2005, 8:02 PM
can you talk wireless bluetooth headset on your
6100 i think not think about what your saying before you say it. just because its crippled doesnt mean you cant use it for what it was intended talking on the phone!!!!!!

May 27, 2005, 9:47 AM
Get bent, Natas. It's a far better and if you have such a problem with the phone..no one is forcing you to buy it. Don't go knocking a phone that you neither own or can appreciate. Maybe you don't use the camera, but you don't speak for everyone now do you? No you don't. So unless you have something actually constructive and valid (as in with actual evidence through actual testing), keep your unvalidated opinions to yourself.

May 28, 2005, 10:10 PM
This is America buddy, I have fought in two wars for you to be able to drink your coffee and talk smack to me,(and you have that freedom) and I too will say what I want about my opinions on this phone. God bless America, The greatest country in world! Peace out

May 28, 2005, 10:55 PM
sorry mofo, it's you that is talking smack when people don't agree with you. Nobody is saying you have to like this phone but the bottom line is that you make an original statement that this phone is the same the lg6100 and you tell people to get a clue?

You are the one that is insulting people by telling them to get a clue, and then you make a totaly false statement that this phone is the same as the lg6100 (regardless of how you feel about the 8100, the two phones are not the same). This is why people are having a problem with what you said and you don't even have the intelligence to explain why you think it is the same as the 6100 and why you tell people to get a clue?

Why do you make an original statement, then run away from it a...

May 29, 2005, 12:19 AM
ya some guy said the same thing about a nokia OH MY GOD a nokia come on those phones are cheap thats the only reason people buy them!
I think lg makes a great phone and ill stick by that statement, they are light years from any stupid nokia....or motorola for that matter

May 28, 2005, 6:12 PM
It was Professor Plum in the library with the knife.


May 30, 2005, 11:27 AM
no, no it was the secratary with a stocking hose

May 30, 2005, 2:58 AM
Sadly, everyone that replied with angry responses and telling this guy where to stick his whatever, got trolled.

Plain and simple.


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