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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Reception?....Is it really that good...opinions?


Dec 20, 2005, 4:58 PM
hey everyone,

I was just wondering how good the reception really is on this phone? I have heard wonderful things about reception and I live in area where I get 0-1 bars on the regular network, or 0-3 on the extended network (I use an LG 8000). I am curious if this phone might help my reception issues and I just wanted to hear any "scoopers" comments on their experience with the reception on this phone. Thanks in advance for any info/posts and Happy Holidays everybody!


P.S. Tri-mode is not an issue for me, and I have tried tri mode phones in my house and my all-digital phone actually gets better service.

Dec 21, 2005, 7:36 AM
In the area i live in i get about 2-3 bars... thats because my area has bad reseption with verizon. Nextel gets all of there bars though.

Dec 21, 2005, 8:45 AM
cool, thanks for your input...anyone else have any comments?

Dec 21, 2005, 11:01 AM
I had an LG VX6000 prior to the E815. When I was home I could use it in my bedroom in one spot, and only if I didn't move. That is where I make the majority of my calls at home. It was very frustrating. With the E815, I haven't dropped a call yet. 😁 It definitely has better reception then any other phone I have had. 🙂

Dec 21, 2005, 5:34 PM
awesome, I have a similar situation at my house...its like the bermuda triangle of cell reception! thanks for your input.


Dec 22, 2005, 9:54 AM
I've had a little more mixed results with the reception on this phone. Nothing that would keep you from getting the phone - it's been as good as any other phone I've had with the exception of the Nokia 3589i - man, that thing got sweet reception. Unfortunately, it was huge, the earpiece heated up after using it a while, and the sound quality for the other person was sub-par.

I got the e815 hoping to get better reception in my house, but it hasn't really done any better than my old LG 3200. Sure, it hasn't dropped any calls, but calls cutting in and out is just as bad. There's a big hill between my house and the closest tower, and I believe my phone is picking up a signal that's almost to far away to use.

On the other hand, I took my e8...

Dec 22, 2005, 3:33 PM
Moto 815 reception is great. If it isn't good enough, then good luck to you cuz I don't know anything else would be better enough to make a difference...

Dec 22, 2005, 5:09 PM
yea it really has the best all digital reception out there. verizon motorolas are the only phones that work at my house. sprint, t-mo, cingular, and verizon with LG's and samsungs are useless where i live. i've never seen verizon on a nokia. my E815 works awesome, rarely ever will a call drop or cut out. it's E815 or no cell phone reception at all where i live (south jersey pinelands).

Dec 22, 2005, 5:23 PM
ChocoTaco369 said:
yea it really has the best all digital reception out there. verizon motorolas are the only phones that work at my house. sprint, t-mo, cingular, and verizon with LG's and samsungs are useless where i live.

i've never seen verizon on a nokia.

The Nokia 6256 has very good reception (I have one). Maybe even rivals the e815. Plus, its got analog too- the e815 doesn't.

The 815 does have EVDO though (the Nokia doesn't) and is a sexier phone overall. If I had to do it over again, I'd have a tough time choosing between the two... they're pretty much the two best phones Verizon offers right now, overall.

Though I am hearin' that the Verizon RAZR has suprisingly good reception too. But,...

Dec 22, 2005, 6:59 PM
Actually...I'm suspicious that on my e815, extending the antennae actually gives it worse reception. No solid reason, just the feeling I've gotten when using it...

Dec 23, 2005, 6:41 AM
That's actually real possible.

I've read (hopefully correctly) that the perfect length for an antennae is half the wavelength of the signal its tryin' to pick up. If dat's true, then the antennae fully extended is perfect for pickin' up the 850 MHz band, an' antennae all the way down is perfect for receiving the 1.9 GHz band. Verizon uses both bands.

It may be that your gettin' a lot of 1.9 GHz in your area, so you'd want the antennae down & would have better reception with the antennae down. Me, I'm pretty sure I'm on 850, 'cus extending my antennae definitely does help in low-signal areas.

The key thing is, with an extendable antennae, you have the choice, an' can raise or lower it depending on reception/conditions. With an inter...

Dec 29, 2005, 5:22 PM
I've heard this before, its quite possible that this is whats going on...

Dec 22, 2005, 2:17 PM
Out of all the verizon phones I have tried, the e815 has better reception. Factors do of course go into this such as home construction and where you are located as far as towers go. But from trying out a samsung a950 and a lg vx8100 the E815 blew them both away.

Dec 24, 2005, 10:56 PM
My experience with the V710 and RAZR is that the V710 is slightly better on reception. I am often in 1-bar territory at home. The V710 seems to drop only rarely, but RAZR fairly regularly. I think extending the antenna helps, but it is so slight I can't be sure. I am trying to determine if the E815 will be noticeably better.

Also, I know that the EV-DO capability of the E815 may affect my battery life. My RAZR goes from 24 hours of standby to well over 72 when I turn off EV (it can be done, but it is close to being a techie hack.) Anybody see the same problem with the E815?

PS: This does not involve the analog reception capability of the V710, so that's not it.

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