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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Alarm and text or voice mail


Aug 30, 2005, 12:28 PM
Just got the E815 love it. Question, I noticed that the alarm will not sound if you have received a text message alert. Once you acknowlege the message the alarm will sound. I had a message and then answered it and the alarm went off immediately, 20 minutes late. Not good if using the phone to wake up. The alarm will sound to what ever you have it set to even with the phone set to silent. Which is good when trying to sleep and don't want to be bothered. Bad though, because the alarm won't sound until you get rid of the messaged received. Any help would be good. trying not to carry a travel alarm clock.

Aug 30, 2005, 1:59 PM
This is a known issue with the phone. Verizon and Motorola both acknowledge the problem. Unfortunately, unless things have changed within the last few days, neither seems to have a DEFINITE date for a patch to fix.

I'm with you, the alarm and messaging are very important features. Hopefully we'll see a resolution to get em working together..AND SOON!!!

Dec 3, 2005, 7:15 PM
Why not exchange your E815 for another model, because after 3 months, Motorola has still not fixed this issue?

If the alarm is set, but a text message is received and not read before the time the alarm was set to sound, the alarm simply will not sound.

For an individual attempting to use the alarm function to wake up, but who also may receive text messages while sleeping, this is obviously a huge problem.

Some people report the same problem occurring with a missed call, such that a missed call also prevents the alarm from sounding.

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