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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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camera/video quality


Aug 29, 2005, 9:43 PM
i heard that camera/video quality is way better on the lg vx8100. any thoughts?

Aug 30, 2005, 8:24 AM
I don't think that's true. I've heard a lot about how the reception, sound quality, and sound volume on the e815 are better than the 8100 - but it sounds like the 8100's camera is slightly better than the e815's.

Aug 30, 2005, 8:31 AM
Pictures and video on the 815 are not going to impress ANYONE! In fact, it is almost laughable! đŸ¤Ŗ

If you want good pictures and video, you are much better off using one of the small digital cameras that can do both. Plus, it is easier to transfer the media at no cost.

Pictures only show up half screen on the camera and resolution is poor! ☚ī¸

Other features on this phone are GREAT, but then not many cell phones can take good pictures and video, except for the Audiovox 9900, which was near digital quality on the phone and the computer! 🙂

Aug 30, 2005, 9:26 AM
Thanks...I'm anxious to see what the a970 does..

Aug 30, 2005, 12:06 PM
I have transferred many pictures and video from 815 to pc and found the pictures to be of a quality that serves the purpose of securing wonderful memories. As for art they are lacking.

the videos are of lesser quality but my son enjoys them. In fact my two year old regularly requests going to the computer so he can watch the train video we took of him in tinytown, CO. He even recognizes his voice without his image in the video background. I just took video of a hot air ballon festival and the clips again provided adequate memory material. Some of these clips included the balloon lighting at dusk and in the evening.

Aug 30, 2005, 2:43 PM
"I have transferred many pictures and video from 815 to pc and found the pictures to be of a quality that serves the purpose of securing wonderful memories. As for art they are lacking."

Ditto. I don't know what that other guy is going on about. The LG 8000 (not the 8100) apparently has the best camera of any phone currently offered, but it's rather large.

Aug 30, 2005, 3:48 PM
PaulRivers said:
Ditto. I don't know what that other guy is going on about. The LG 8000 (not the 8100) apparently has the best camera of any phone currently offered, but it's rather large.

Yes, the 8000 had a good camera too, but if you compare the 8000 side by side with the Audiovox 9900, you can see that the 9900 takes considerably better pictures, which display better on the phone and look better the computer.

And that is saying something because the 8000 does take good pictures too, just not as good as the 9900. Compare and you will see! 😉

And you are right, both are better than the 8100 or the e815.

Aug 31, 2005, 9:11 AM
It's kind of hard to believe that the Audiovox 9900 had a better camera than the LG 8000 because the LG had a 1.3MP camera which took good pictures, and the Audiovox only had a vga camera (according to phonescoop here).

Aug 31, 2005, 9:49 AM
PaulRivers said:
It's kind of hard to believe that the Audiovox 9900 had a better camera than the LG 8000 because the LG had a 1.3MP camera which took good pictures, and the Audiovox only had a vga camera (according to phonescoop here).

There is a LOT more that goes into making a GOOD camera other than pixel count. Things like lens quality, software, electronics, CCD type, etc. To many people zero in on one thing and forget there are many other factors that may make the camera on one phone better than another. And that is true of digital camers too!

This is true with other products too. Just because a computer has a faster processor, doesn't mean it will ACTUALLY be faster than one with a slower pro...

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