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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Jul 11, 2005, 9:08 AM
I was so excited to get my e815 and switch to verizon all at once. After having t-mobile, and dealing with the frusterations of their service, It's so great to actually be able to use my phone.

As soon as I got it I made some calls and right away people commented on how clear i sounded, and asked if i was even on my cell phone, since they were so used to me breaking up. People sound like they are right next to me instead of far away in a tunnel now.

I went to the mall- a place my t-mobile didn't get signal, and I had 3 bars in department stores, and full signal in the mall area.

Another great thing is the battery life. I downloaded ringtones, played w/ the camera/video, made a bunch of calls, and still the next day my phone didnt e...

Jul 11, 2005, 9:21 AM
Welcome to the land of reception: welcome to verizon! The speaker phone works great.

Jul 11, 2005, 9:26 AM
VERIZON service is without question the absolute VERY BEST!!!

Not just because i am a long time time customer, or maybe it is. 🙂

SPRINT cust serv. always evaded me when i needed them most back when i had service with them. I done critical express shipment deliveries like FedEx for a different expedite business. Having customer service respond in a timely fashion is absolutely paramount in that line of work; they never did: Same eventually happened with AT&T so i dumped them both and just thought Verizon would be the same but at least i would suffer from that abuse by a newer player. You know that feeling when you are fed up with pure stupidity for your hard earned money and have had enough!

Nothing could have been more further th...

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