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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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Bluetooth Profiles!?


Jul 3, 2005, 3:10 AM
Anyone know what BT profiles this phone will support? I am looking for the DUN profile (like the V710) so it will work handsfree with BMW. Any info would be appreciated!

Jul 3, 2005, 5:08 AM
RINGO said:
Anyone know what BT profiles this phone will support? I am looking for the DUN profile (like the V710) so it will work handsfree with BMW. Any info would be appreciated!

The BT profiles (out of the box) are the same as the V710, so the E815 will work with your Bimmer as well as the V710.

The E815 can also transmit files to other Bluetooth devices (after modifications) which the V710 can not.

Jul 3, 2005, 9:16 AM
Woa! Verizon disabled the DUN profile because they don't want you connecting to the EvDO area with BT, that is what I was told, and what I researched.

And what do you mean 'The E815 can also transmit files to other Bluetooth devices (after modifications) which the V710 can not.'
Like, with a seem edit? If so, I will be a real, real, happy man 😎

Jul 3, 2005, 9:22 AM
I am about to take delivery of a new BMW (2006 750i) and I ordered a V710 docking cradle (part number - 84 21 0 393 570) to be included. It provides recharging and ext. antenna capability. I specified this before the e815 came out. If I get the e815, will the v710 docking cradle work with the phone?

Jul 3, 2005, 9:40 AM
Well, this does not pertain to this topic, but, I will help you.

The e815 is basically the v710, except with a few more features. It has the same shell, and size. I checked this on Motorola's site. It 'should' fit. I too have a Mercedes and it has a v710 cradle, but, like you, I am hoping the e815 fits ...

That will be another 300$ down the drain.

Jul 3, 2005, 10:03 AM
yes, the money pit continues. Of course, you can't get a straight answer from bmw or motorola. thanks.

Jul 3, 2005, 10:16 AM
Yea, I know. I hope that helped.

Jul 3, 2005, 4:12 PM
Tell LB (35) hello.

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