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Motorola E815 / E816 Hollywood


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People with Verizon...


Jun 6, 2005, 9:35 AM
Seriously can you give us SOME idea of when this phone is going to be released???? I have seem pictures of people who work for Verizon that already have the phone...so I am thinking it's fairly soon...but how soon?

My contract with Sprint is up soon and want to change over to Verizon. I have heard about the crippling of the V710 so I don't want that but I need something with bluetooth...but don't want those big blackberry-type phones.

So should I hold out a little longer or look elsewhere for a phone?



Jun 6, 2005, 9:59 AM
Look elsewhere. The E815 will have the same "crippled" bluetooth features as the V710.

Jun 6, 2005, 4:59 PM
RMG007 said:
Look elsewhere. The E815 will have the same "crippled" bluetooth features as the V710.

The E815 has OBEX. Verizon users will need to do a seem edit to enable the menu on the phone.

Verizon appears to be changing their policy on OBEX, though. Their new Treo 650 has it already.

http://www.canyouhearusnow.net/bluetooth/ »

Jun 7, 2005, 9:31 AM
wnrussell said:
RMG007 said:
Look elsewhere. The E815 will have the same "crippled" bluetooth features as the V710.

The E815 has OBEX. Verizon users will need to do a seem edit to enable the menu on the phone.

Verizon appears to be changing their policy on OBEX, though. Their new Treo 650 has it already.


What is a seem edit?? Are you sure the e815 will have obex????????????????

Are you sure the new treo 650 hsa FULL obex????????????

Jun 7, 2005, 10:51 AM
I have the Treo 650, and while it does pair with my vehicle (BMW 1/05 build), the telephone nummbers do not fully transfer (like they did on my V710, without any seem edits).

I don't profess to be an expert in these issues, but OBEX, doesn't add any functionality for me on the Treo. In fact, the bluetooth headsets (Moto 850) didn't work as well, and I've now switched to a Sony 660, which works better, but not as well as the V710/880 combo did.

I do prefer the Treo because of internet, email and instant messaging capabilities.

Jun 7, 2005, 2:22 PM
RMG007 said:
I have the Treo 650, and while it does pair with my vehicle (BMW 1/05 build), the telephone nummbers do not fully transfer (like they did on my V710, without any seem edits).

I don't profess to be an expert in these issues, but OBEX, doesn't add any functionality for me on the Treo. In fact, the bluetooth headsets (Moto 850) didn't work as well, and I've now switched to a Sony 660, which works better, but not as well as the V710/880 combo did.

I do prefer the Treo because of internet, email and instant messaging capabilities.

Try this update.

http://www.palmone.com/us/support/downloads/treo650c ... »

Jun 8, 2005, 1:33 AM
I've seen that link before and it refers to an update for Sprint. Do you know if anyone has successfully downloaded it to a Verizon Treo?

Jun 7, 2005, 2:22 PM
Natas said:
wnrussell said:
RMG007 said:
Look elsewhere. The E815 will have the same "crippled" bluetooth features as the V710.

The E815 has OBEX. Verizon users will need to do a seem edit to enable the menu on the phone.

Verizon appears to be changing their policy on OBEX, though. Their new Treo 650 has it already.


What is a seem edit?? Are you sure the e815 will have obex????????????????

Are you sure the new treo 650 hsa FULL obex????????????

Not true, that guy has no idea of what he speaks. No obex for verizon period

Jun 6, 2005, 10:30 AM
I don't know why you choose to leave Sprint, but if I had to guess its because they suck. It all depends on what is most important to you. If you want to join a provider that has the best coverage and steller customer service then join Verizon. IF OBEX is so very important to you, you will NOT FIND it at Verizon. You will need to go to Cingular to have OBEX. At cingular you will find some snakes that are more then happy to pry on you. If you do go that route I suggest buying the Nokia 6620 that is the only phone over there worthwhile in my opionion. At cingular you will enjoy so so service and horrible custome service.

And for the record the Motorola v710 is the best phone for reception and call quality I have ever seen. My wife owns it a...

Jun 6, 2005, 12:44 PM
Not to sound dumb...but what is OBEX?

The reason I'm leaving Sprint is b/c all of the people I talk to and txt are on verizon now...so I can save money on the plan because all calls and txts would be free to these people.

I'm looking at bluetooth phone b/c I'm getting a new car that has bluetooth capabilites and want a phone that will hook up to it.

Jun 6, 2005, 1:10 PM
Hey man, no biggie.. there are no dumb questions. As far as obex or (object exchange) it allows you to transfer arbitrary files or data between one device to another. ( no wires) 30' limit. Go to google and type in obex and you'll get alot of explanation on this, in a much more well spoken way then myself. There is alot of misinformation on the crippling of the verizon phones. The obex is the only thing verizon left out,(or didnt purchase) all other bluetooth feature are there, including hooking it up to your new car.

My best advice to you is when your contract is over, and depending which phones are available at that time, simply go into the verizon store and ask what will work with you new car. I have 1993 Jeep so I dont know much about...

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