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Razr bluetooth link with Audi A 6


Apr 23, 2005, 3:08 PM
I just got a razr and happy with it for a lot of reasons. I had a v600 that was not working consistently and decided to pay$ for the cool razr. My issue is that when in my car and talking through the connected bluetooth, the only way to end a call is by pressing the end button on the phone. This is a change verus my v600 which would shut off either by hitting the end button on the phone OR by pressing the softkey on the Audi's MMI. The car has a softkey in the MMI - multi-media interface that should allow me to end the call, but it doesn't work. I can in fact end the call, but then the MMI stays in phone mode and will not come out of it until I shut the razr off. The v600 had problems, but not this one. Has anyone out there experience...

Apr 23, 2005, 3:55 PM
your audi is likely defective. what your going to need to do is sign the ownership over to me and i'll take care of the problem for you..
😉 😉 😉

Apr 23, 2005, 10:32 PM
I thought of returning the Audi, but not turning it over to you. I do have a 20 something speed bike, but it lacks bluetooth.


Apr 24, 2005, 12:11 PM
😲 😲 😲
you honestly don't trust me, do you?

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