Motorola Moto G4 Plus
Reviews 1
No Compass
These phones lack a compass. Apps needing it will not work, and others that make use of a compass will be less responsive.
Can software make the reader a Home button?
I can't help but wonder if they'll try to make the fingerprint reader act as a home button as well with an update - seems like it wouldn't be that hard to detect the kind of events that using it would generate, and regardless of success/failure/bad read, having events from the fingerprint reader could be treated as "someone hit the button."
SD 617
Meh......... an SD 625 would have been better for a Plus version.
Jul 14, 2016, 4:20 PM
Too large!
I love the recent mid-range affordable phones from Motorola, but think that 5.5" is way too big for most people. All the flagships are OK with 5.0--5.2". They should offer 2 sizes. a smaller one and a larger one, so there should be a choice. Most people will appreciate a smaller size screen.
over in the "Fourth-Gen Moto G Comes In Three Varieties" discussion:
Moto G4
Really nice marketing for choices and price-points.
I still have my 1st Gen Moto G and it still goes great!