Curitel Identity
Reviews 6
Anybody want to buy a Curitel Identity?
I work in the reselling industry and was given a fully-functional demo to try out. Very interesting phone, ergonomic with great features geared towards a young generation. I havent used this phone much as I swap phones weekly and have this now for sale. I have information, pictures of the actual phone (has two very slight scratches on the top). Please contact me if interested.
7 replies
I need to get this phone!
is it android 2.2?
this phone is a joke
this phone is lame and weak, big joke, this phone sucky.
have you heard anything about sellers for this phone?
😢 This phone is amazing. It's quad band, but not ugly. It's got everything! If anyone has heard any additional info please pass it on. I keep looking at this phone and dreaming! 🤣
1 reply
Excellent ergonomic design
Think about it. When you push the buttons on your phone, you are holding it at the bottom edge of the phone with your fingers and not your palm. The top half of your phone hangs out of your hand.
Take your avergae bar phone, now flip it around so that the screen is pon the bottom. See how nicely it rests in your entire palm now? And the button placement is now much more in line with your thumb and its natural motion.
I really like this phone. I saw it in Wired last month and am happy to see it's in production. If I can find a way to get one, and have it unlocked for use in the US, I will.
4 replies
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
P910a/ Cingular (AT&T Wireless)?
Rich or any Cingular/AT&T reps,
I noticed it said it should be shipping late October. Any update on that? Do you know what this price is going to be?
😎 I wonder why they didn't go with a major carrier. I don't know about anybody else, but as long as people are asking me "where'd you get that phone"? I'm excited about it. And whether someone thinks it's the ugliest thing they've ever seen or the coolest, makes me no difference.
2 replies
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
Hey Rich...
I asked a T-Mobile territory rep about the P735 and he said "as far as I know we're not going to carry it". This has me kinda worried. I noticed in the pics the phone does say T-Mobile on it and the WAP button has the t-zones logo on it. Is it still scheduled for release with T-Mobile? The release is supposedly before the end of the year. Do you have a more specific date? A month?
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
Anything for cingular coming soon??
what phones are going to come out in october for cingular. if not october then nov and dec..thank you
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
Nothing new for Verizon?
Looks like there's no new phone for Verizon
this December.
7 replies
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
new sanyo(s) for sprint?
i hear about 2 new sanyo phones for sprint, seems to either be really hush hush, or mabey the phones just arent worth talking about, i need a new cell, trying to decide if the new ones are worth the wait
5 replies
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
Sony s710a
Any idea what the targeted price point will be on the SE s710a?
1 reply
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
Any of the SE for T-Mo?
Any of these new SE phones going to be released for T-Mo? I love SE, but not the lonely T610.
1 reply
over in the "2004 Holiday Pre-Preview" discussion:
V550 and the V505
Doesn't the V550 look remakably similar to the V505 already available through AT&T wireless?
1 reply
Cellular One (dobson)
Cellular one is going to carry this phone on september 15th, not sure if i wanna change to it or if i'm going to still pickup a nokia 7610 unlocked. The Wildseed (what they call it) will be going for around 300 without contract and 200 with a 2 yr contract. Seams like a cool phone, but it's a new idea, it's strange, and i dont think the whole SmartSkin idea will catchon with the makers of the addons too much.
1 reply
over in the "3GSM 2004" discussion:
what about the new sidekick!
did u get some info on the new t-mo sidekick from danger inc?????
6 replies
Why would you want the screen at the bottom? I must admit it is different, but a little to different. It would be very difficult to get use to.
7 replies
Hardware Addons
The coolest thing about this phone is the abillity to hook up stuff, like say the game controller. Plus it will add software such as games to the phone. Im hoping for other carrier releases on the east coast and a full qwerty keyboard addon. Man the possibilites are endless! Kudos on the design concept.
What About the release date
Man nobody has touched this forum in a long time, kinda of surprising seeing how innovative this phone will be, honestly i've overlooked it and i would honestly get it ova the Motorola V710 if it came out soon enough, doe's anybody at all know anything about a possible release date. This is a real =unique phone and it would be tight to have once school starts, any info at all would help. I hope somebody reply's to this soon since nobody's been on this forum for some time now.
Very nice specs on this phone - I wasn't expecting as much. I'd like to take it for a test drive. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Dobson doesn't offer any service in my area. ☹️
I have to wonder, though - with all the features on the phone, how long is the battery going to last?