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Nokia 7610


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*****Now available on Cingular.com******


Nov 27, 2004, 10:01 AM
When i tried a Northeast zip code online it now shows that the phone is available for purchase online, when i tried my zip code (Orlando, FL) it's not. Anyone else have the phone in their areas?

Nov 27, 2004, 3:58 PM
not in cali but i did see the dummy model in a Bay Area store. the pricetag said 399.99 with 2yr. i think. i palyed with a 1800/900/1900 model and it was pretty cool. camera was pretty nice. other than that prety much similar to the 6620 to me.

Nov 28, 2004, 12:45 AM
What north east zipcode did u use? I tried mine (Connecticut) and it doesn't have the 7610. I also am gonna throw out a question, I've heard a lot about how this phone only has mono output, does that mean that even if you plugged in normal stereo headphones (with a converter) you'd only get mono sound?

Nov 28, 2004, 4:13 AM
Yep, mono only..that's why the 6620 is better..

Nov 28, 2004, 6:17 AM
then scratch the 7610 off of my list. the only thing better on this phone is the camera but i could not tell the difference. to me the 662- camera handles light better than the 7610, well atleast the over seas version. do you think they could have updated the phone so that the output could be stereo.

Nov 28, 2004, 10:52 AM
Not that I am aware of..it would have been quite an improvement and people would be letting us know about it..I wouldn't take it over my 6620 anyway..I have too many programs I have paid for that go with the 6620 and wouldn't part with it for nothing..the other new 6620 that I have, I will part with that one for the right price..

Nov 29, 2004, 3:53 AM
the reception and camera on the 6620 is stellar. i'm able to have conversations in the elevator. do you have the stereo heaset. it sounds pretty nice.

Nov 29, 2004, 10:23 AM
I have one of the stereo headsets offered by Nokia..I have had the 6800 for over a year, and it has an FM radio and when I bought that phone I got the headset then (it's the same one used on the 6620 and that was a big reason I got the 6620 because all of my wired headsets work with both phones)..now I mostly use one of the 3 Bluetooth headsets I have..Nokia has a white stereo headset on their website..other than the design, it isn't any different from the one I have..

Nov 29, 2004, 10:27 AM
Do you use your 6620 to check your POP email?

Nov 30, 2004, 8:09 AM
i did when i had it. the phone kept locking up on me so i returned to cingular. the phone locked up about five times a day. i went into a store in the city and the maanager at a store was going to sell me the headset for about $20 because i bought a case from her but i returned the phone of course. do the ring tones on that phone sound a little muffled to you. i know my phone did. i heard the cingular branded ringtone on the phone and i thought the phone was wrapped in plastic.

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