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Motorola MPx220


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Speaker Phone


Mar 30, 2005, 1:08 PM
I have a customer who has the MPx220 and would like to be able to use the speaker phone while it is closed. On all of the other motorola phones it is possible by default, but the MPx220 he has hangs up every time he closes it. Is there a setting or is it possible his phone is defective??? Do your MPx's hang up when on speaker phone and you close the flip???
Any help would be great. Thanx!!!

Mar 30, 2005, 3:25 PM
no way around it, just another glitch in the mpx220. whats been the general customer response for the mpx? complaints etc.

Mar 30, 2005, 7:39 PM

I have been asking this question ever since I got the phone. I am looking for help to edit the registry... to correct this problem. It is possible because Windows Media Player can and will continue playing if the lid is closed.
Oh, please share the solution if you find it first.

~a8le 😁

Mar 31, 2005, 12:47 AM
w/ the pocket controller pro program i showed you guys, I am able to achieve this either through a usb or bluetooth connection to my computer. I can dial a call on my phone through the program on my PC, without ever opening my phone. Then, I am able to turn speakerphone on, from my pc and I can then have a whole convo on my phone, while it's closed.

So, I am able to do this, but only when I'm near my pc lol...not very practical, but cool nonetheless

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