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Motorola V710


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Jun 15, 2004, 4:58 PM
First off, to end all confusion, I have held and utilized the moto v710. I answer these questions to the best of my ability.

Video- Yes it is advertised to record up to 3 min...I was only able to record up to 15 sec, possibly up to a total of 3 min.
In the settings screen [which also consists of

Auto Repeat (video will automatically loop after it has been played),

-Timer (format of the timer...meter, elapsed time etc.), Lighting Conditions (same as pic setting's white balance...sunny, indoor, night etc.),

-Recording Sound, and

-Status Icons.] you can select the Video
Length (Short MMS, Long MMS, Maximum). Though even in maximum setting, I was still only able to record 15 sec at a time...but there was not a flash ...

Jun 15, 2004, 5:12 PM
Video- Yes it is advertised to record up to 3 min...I was only able to record up to 15 sec, possibly up to a total of 3 min.

If that is the case then the VX7000 has an advantage in the video recording category as it can record up to 31 videos as compared to the V710's 12 video's (15sec x 3min). I hope this isn't the case because I want the phone with the better video capabilities.

Jun 15, 2004, 5:37 PM
when all is said and done and every1 buys a 128mb flash card we'll all be taking 3 min individual clips as promised 😁 for those of us who believe its not a lemon that is

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