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Motorola V710


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Clarification on External Screen going blank


Jul 30, 2004, 8:03 PM
I was able to contact Morotola today and the answer i got for the external screen going blank is that its completely normal.

The backlight option will let you choose how long it will go before going blank. The reason for this is that it saves a lot of battery. This phone likes to eat a lot of battery and the display turning off is a way to put it on a diet.

Jul 30, 2004, 8:05 PM
cool, that makes sense....

Jul 30, 2004, 8:46 PM
I was referred to this post from hofo. I'm going to say here exactly what I said there..

The display turns off in the amount of time under "Display Timeout". This has nothing to do with the backlight, that is a separate menu option. When you set the display timeout to "10 Minutes" it doesn't shut off for 10 minutes. Likewise, it should make sense that when "Display Timeout" is set to "Off" The display should never "Time out" or Shut off.

If you set the display timeout to "Off".. it SHUTS OFF the display in accordance with the Backlight time.. WTF?

I too got an email from motorola, and they said they don't know when there will be a s/w update to fix this. Then ended the email with "Sorry for this inconvenience". I replied by saying t...

Jul 30, 2004, 9:20 PM
i used to enjoy using my phone as a way l to tell time as well. the external display used to do that quite well on my v60. glad a $300 brand new phone has an external display which doesn't work unless u push the volume button on the side. and this doesn't help much because it displays the time for 1 second then immediately displays the volume of the ringer. I hope they fix this. while it may seem minor, it is annoying as hell to me.

Jul 30, 2004, 9:37 PM
You can hit one of the other three external keys too which dont do anything but light up the display.


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