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Best way to record saved voice mail messages?


Oct 2, 2005, 8:02 PM
My voice mail is rapidly filling up and there are some messages I'd like to save elsewhere, such as on my computer. Anyone know a good way of doing this? Playing from speaker to a microphone doesn't really do much. Is there a way to plug something from the headphone out jack on the phone to a Line in on my computer and record that? Any thoughts?

Oct 3, 2005, 7:37 AM
BlasTech said:
My voice mail is rapidly filling up and there are some messages I'd like to save elsewhere, such as on my computer. Anyone know a good way of doing this? Playing from speaker to a microphone doesn't really do much. Is there a way to plug something from the headphone out jack on the phone to a Line in on my computer and record that? Any thoughts?

I would think just using the Bluetooth protocal "Hands Free Gateway on Motorola Phone" and Sound Recorder. That would be the easiest way.

I'm sure you could find a headphone jack to a microphone jack converter at Radio Shack to plug the phone into your PC's microphone as well.

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