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Samsung SCH-A670


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Aug 5, 2004, 9:12 AM

AIM for your phone


That link should work for everyone with a vzw phone wanting aim.

Aug 4, 2004, 2:29 PM

one last question

i was just wondering if ne one has had like that 2 year thing where u get a new phone every two years...and like when u were to upgrade u chose a phone where it was buy one get one free....did u get both of the phones for free or just one?
4 replies

Jul 30, 2004, 11:38 PM

DC metro area?

Used the search function could not find the answer to my question,

Does this phone work inside the metro stations in the DC area?
2 replies

Aug 4, 2004, 8:09 PM


does this phone have AOL INSTANT MESSANGER??? if so, how do i get it or operate it??!! someone help
2 replies

Aug 4, 2004, 3:53 PM

RE: Pix messaging.

Can the A670 send and receive pix’s from another phone?
2 replies

Aug 4, 2004, 11:44 AM


well, im getting my phone today!! thanx for all the help with my questions b4...i want my mom n dad to get this phone too, but they have a problem with seeing the front display time, so im gonna try to mess around with that..ok bye bye

Aug 3, 2004, 4:03 PM


I recentely purchased the Samsung a-670 and love the phone. I am wondering if anyone has found a more protective holster to carry the phone on your belt. The holster that came with the phone is good but doesn't do much in the way of protecting the front of the phone from scratches. I alrady have several and have onlyy had the phone for a couple of weeks ☹️ . Thanks
1 reply

Aug 1, 2004, 2:24 AM

Thinking of a new phone.

I'm thinking of getting the Samsung SCH-A670, but from hearing other people's comments about the battery life, I'm not so sure anymore. Is it worth money? 😕 I've also read someone's post about getting the phone for free because of the 2-year agreement, I wonder if that can apply to me. 🙄 Maybe I should just get the SCH-A530 😛
11 replies

Aug 1, 2004, 10:57 PM

Lighting up the outside display? Pressing button doesn't work?

Hey guys... on my old Motorola T720 (god what a horrible phone), I used to be able to just hit the outside button and the front LCD screen would light up and I could see the time.

With my new A670, when I press any of the outside buttons, the screen doesn't light up.

Is there a special option I need to turn on? Thank you.
1 reply

Aug 1, 2004, 10:50 AM

Hands free kit questions?

I just got the A670 and love it so far. I am particularly impressed with the name/voice recognition. I never had a phone with it and it has been very accurate, I love the fact that it does not need to be "trained." Anyway, I use the phone alot and recently purchased the full install HF kit. One small question. Is there anyway to add a "remote" button that can perform a send/end command as well as activating the voice prompt? I believe that Samsung makes an OEM ear piece with the send/end button, but can a remote be added to the HF kit. Also, the HF control box does not have an input for an external antenna; however, in the back of the phone there appears to be a port for it. Anyone know what type of plug or adapter is needed to conn...

Jul 30, 2004, 10:30 PM

freeze ups

Tonight my phone froze up. I read on HoFo that other Samsung models had that problem. Has anyone else had a freee up? Had to take the battery out.

Jul 21, 2004, 6:31 PM

2 main questions

I saw this phone today and liked the feel and sound of it better than the lg vx6000. As I was reading reviews, there were two thing that bothered me and I hope I can get some of you to comment on them.
First, someone wrote that you cannot turn the shutter sound off on the camera. Is this true? That would be awfully stupid if so.
Second, I see that there is no usb data interface available for this phone yet. Does anyone know if this is just a temporary problem. I would imagine, especially with video you cannot send, that a data cable would be pretty much needed for this phone. I'd love to see a mac compatible interface for it (i know the vx6000 has one). Does anyone know if that will be out soon?
5 replies

Jul 30, 2004, 10:28 AM

front display

is it possible to have the front display backround white..and then have the letters black? like can u change the backround to the front display?

Jul 30, 2004, 3:05 AM

Anyone know any websites that can send wallpaper to verizon???

Does anyone know any websites besides vzxpix.com that can upload graphics or ringtones to a verizon phone such as the A670???

Jul 10, 2004, 3:50 PM


yea im new with verizon.. and i just got this phone and i was wondering if it plays mp3s or REAL MUSIC tones like with lyrics and stuff (not the polyphonic one with just generic beats) yea if anyone has any info pls respond.
11 replies

Jul 28, 2004, 11:04 PM

Pix Messaging?

Is it possible to pix message another cell phone with another carrier now or do they know it will be availiable soon!?
1 reply

Jul 28, 2004, 3:25 PM


Could someone please help me. I just switched to Verizon wireless after 7 yrs with T-Mobile (with a 2 day tenure with AT&T in-between which was a service nightmare ). I had to give up my beloved Motorola V300's so I choose the closest phone Verizon currently offered. I ended up with 2 Samsung A670's. I cannot for the life of me to get downloaded pics to work as wallpaper. If I download one from Verizon it works fine but if I send my own via vzxpix.com the phone shrinks it down and degrades the quality to where it is just a little blurry square with lots of white border all around it. I know the screen res. is not as good as my V300 was but I should still be able to fill the whole screen. My Alex Ross wallpapers worked fine on my V300's ...
1 reply

Jul 28, 2004, 8:56 PM

hearing numbers when you push them

When I dial a number. Sometimes I hear the beep for the number and occasionally the number doesn't beep. Anyone else have this happen? Is it something I should bring my phone back for?

2 replies

Jul 27, 2004, 7:32 PM

Extended Battery

Guys, I've heard from some ppl that do have the a670 that the standard battery is a garbage...that you have to charge it every night...i've also heard that after one hour of talk time, the battery needs to be charged...is this true? Is it necessary to buy the extended battery for the a670?
2 replies

Jul 24, 2004, 11:49 AM

Ringtones Price Question

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked. I am new to Get It Now. If I download a ring tone from modtones, is there just a 1 time fee for each ring tone? I notice it says different prices for different per use purchases. Is that the total price per each ring tone or do I pay that every time I use that ring tone on my phone?

Thank you
2 replies
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