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Samsung SCH-A670


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Aug 9, 2004, 2:58 PM


does anyone know how to make another letter capitalized when u are adding a contacts name..like the first letter of their name is always capitalized but then their last name isnt...does anyone know how to do this?
2 replies

Aug 9, 2004, 2:49 PM

Wireless Internet Question

Hey there! I just want to say first off, this forum has been a big help for me because I just got my A670 phone the other day and have been spending lots of time playing around with it. (And it's awesome, by the way!)

I have the wireless internet on it, and when checking my e-mail, I noticed I couldn't open attachments in .doc format (or any other format for that matter). I called and Verizon said it's just not possible.

So my question is, is there any way to see it on my phone? Maybe some loophole or some tricky way to send it to myself? Or is it just comepletely impossible? 😁

Thanks for any help!!!!

Aug 9, 2004, 9:53 AM


i have another problem well actually my mom does. See me my mom n dad all got the sam phone on friday but my moms phone seems to be having a problem. The camera is backwards...like when she goes to take a picture everything is like opposite..is there anyway to fix this?
2 replies

Aug 9, 2004, 9:56 AM

another question

oh ya..does ne one know a website i can visit to see what ringtones they offer the a670? just so i can have an idea..
2 replies

Aug 9, 2004, 8:47 AM


😁 well i finally got the phone! im very happy with it, but i wanted to know if their are like free games already programmed in the phone..and also are there pictures they already have in the phone thatu can choose from for ur backround, and i dont mean those like 4 backrounds..are there more?
1 reply

Aug 8, 2004, 7:34 PM


you can now record your own ringtone...i read it and this is how it works..you go to voice memo...and record what you want..your self..your girl..parents...music...whatever..then u save it...go to any picture u want...send it to your self...but attach the voice memo to it..once you recieve the picture...save the voice recording..and it will be loaded in your ringtones..
-have fun everyone

Aug 7, 2004, 7:02 AM


I have tried to download ringtones from eringers to vzwpix with no luck. I have been able to get one ringtone by saving it to my desktop then uploading thru vzwpix. Now when I save it to the desktop and upload it I am only able to get about 6 sec. of ringtone to get to my phone. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong??? Also does the 670 support wav. files or voicetones??? Help please...
3 replies

Jul 21, 2004, 11:04 PM

Can you download loud ringtones?

I'm interested in the 670 but I've heard so many people complain that the ringer isn't loud. I need a loud earpiece and ringer. Have any of you downloaded rings that are loud?
4 replies

Jul 28, 2004, 10:35 AM

a670 /a680

the a670 is dual band and the a680 is tri band. Can I buy the sprint a680 and hook it up on verizons network?
2 replies

Jul 27, 2004, 2:19 PM

Delay when picking up incoming call?

Has anyone else noticed a slight delay when receiving a call? It seems that when anyone calls me, my first hello goes unheard and they dont start hearing me until a couple of seconds have gone by. Is it just my phone acting up or do they all do it?
5 replies

Aug 8, 2004, 1:41 AM

mp3 ringers?

Is there a way to get mp3 ringtones on this phone? The ones on eringers aren't cutting it for me.

Aug 7, 2004, 7:37 PM

WAV files??? Need to convert???

I don't think wav files are usable on this phone; is that correct? If so, is there anyone out that that has the ability to convert a wav file to a midi? I would like to get my Dudley Do-right ringtone on my phone but all I have is a wav file which I could use on my old phone.

Aug 6, 2004, 7:41 PM

A670 Voice Memo as a Ringtone?

Can I use a voice memo that I've recorded on my a670 as a ringtone? I've searched around, but haven't been able to find a conclusive answer on this. đŸ˜ŗ

Thanks for the help! 🙂
1 reply

Aug 5, 2004, 10:12 PM

Another ringtone question...

Anyone know how to upload midis you have downloaded from websites onto your phone through vzxpix? I keep getting a corrupted message when I try. ☚ī¸
2 replies

Aug 6, 2004, 12:30 PM

Samsung SCH-A670, Verizon, and Wallpaper (my ordeal)

Wondering if anyone else is having the problems I am having. I love to use custom wallpapers on my phones and have been able to do so with every phone and every carrier I have ever had (and since I change phones every six months that is alot of phones over 8yrs). I usually use a nice Alex Ross illustration or something from a favorite animation show with a complimentary ringtone. When I try to do this with the A670 on Verizon the pics format way too small for the screen. After days talking with Verizon Data Services I am no closer to getting it done (regular customer service for Verizon rocks, but dealing with Data Services is like getting a week long root canal). Samsung says the problem is Verizon and how they are trying to force feed thei...
1 reply

Aug 6, 2004, 11:23 AM

front display

i was lookin at the phone in the store and when i flipped open the phone then closed it to turn on the light for the external display, the light turns off in like 2 seconds..is there a way to make the light last longer? also, did they ever fix that whole call log thing (it says u have a missed call and a call waiting from the person u talked to).. and also does the call log give u your call duration?
2 replies

Aug 5, 2004, 2:52 PM

Question for eringers users...

When I try to use eringers I get and unacceptable file type message. Is it that I am doing something wrong or is this another venue that verizon has blocked so that you must use their get it now service?
3 replies

Aug 5, 2004, 10:55 PM

How do you like your 670? Please reply...

I'm considering a 670 as my next upgrade. Can any of you or all provide me some feedback as to how you like this phone? All feedback is very welcome. I really do not need a camera phone, but I like what the 670 seems to offer. Thamks.
2 replies

Aug 5, 2004, 9:03 PM

Eringer type

wut type do u put the ringtones? like midi
1 reply

Aug 5, 2004, 10:29 AM


is there ne other backrounds besides nature and the default list for ur menu?
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