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Samsung SCH-A670


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picture id/get it now


Jul 21, 2004, 2:57 PM
I'm thinking about getting the a670, so I'm asking a few questions b4 i get it. My first question is: When someone calls that u assigned a picture as their personal id (like caller id or whatever), do you see the picture on the external display or the internal display when they are calling?

My second question is: If i were to go into get it now, would i be charged for using the Internet on my phone? or is that not considered Internet?

Jul 21, 2004, 3:21 PM
As to your first question...yes you will see the picture on the outer display and the inner display when a call comes in.

You second question...you are charged airtime for using GIN ...when I'm downloading games/GIN/etc, I tend to wait until the eves or on weekends when my airtime is unlimited...

As for actual browsing on the internet...I don't know about that...

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