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Motorola V600


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Closing the phone


May 15, 2004, 1:20 PM
I got my V600 today and I LOVE IT!
Only question..I don't know if this is just my phone but when I had my v60i you had to like push the phone closed..on the V600 i can just like snap my wrist and it closes..is this normal? Also, is there any way to get the MMODE off of my main screen?

May 15, 2004, 7:01 PM
Yes this is normal. With your V60 and other past Motorola phones they made a click when you opened or closed it. This was a lock that kept the phone open. With the new Motorolas like the V600 and V400 there is no click and it takes less effort to close them. It's like a Samsung flip phone if you've ever tried one.

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