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Motorola V600


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a new problem; anyone else?


May 13, 2004, 12:37 PM
It's been 2-3 months with my v600 (unbranded) and no scratches, no other problems, until now.
I do have the same problem mentioned a few days ago about charging the phone, having the phone show 1-2 bars done, but when I unplug the charger it says charge complete and despite running down the battery meter says full (6). Now, more importantly, lately, the phone has just been shutting down on it own--a lot. I'll wake up in the morning and it will just be off. when I turn it back on, it reads bluetooth waiting on the screen below the date and says the bettery is full. Anyone else have this problem. any ideas?


May 15, 2004, 8:07 PM
Yes, yes, yes!! I have the same issue with a V525 which was behaving itself quite nicely until I reflashed to V600 software in conjunction with removing the Voda flex. The phone now shuts off unpredictably, especially right after being charged. Also, just as you've experienced, it often shuts off when left overnight. This rather sucks as I need to be available 24hr/day. My immediate solution is to carry a second phone when I travel, a Nokia 6200 on a seperate line. Really stupid solution, huh? Nice as these Motos are when they work right, I'm outta here -- my solution? a Nokia 6230.

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