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Motorola V600


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May 13, 2004, 9:42 AM
Am I reading correctly that the V600 doesn't come with a holster? I didn't see one on the motorola site, just ugly cases with belt clips. Is there a preferred quality holster people are buying? I'm looking at getting a V600 and I was very concerned about the lack of holster.

May 13, 2004, 11:06 AM
I had a V400 and bought a holster from Cingular which they say will also fit the V600 but when I put my V600 in there my confidence level is not high. Not high at all! So if there are other quality holsters out there I would like to know about them as well!

May 13, 2004, 3:04 PM
I did a "cell phone accessories" search and found alot of sites that have specifically the V600 holster. And some have free shipping. Here are just a few:


Hope this helps!

May 13, 2004, 8:29 PM
http://www.motophonecases.com/home2.html »

Try this site. The two best cases I have heard about for the V600 are Krusell and Codi. I believe Krusell is from Sweden? or somewhere around there and Codi is from Italy.


May 14, 2004, 12:23 PM
i have the v400 and the v600 ,and both phones fit perfectly in the v400 belt clip holster that i purchased from cingular!! 😁

May 15, 2004, 9:54 AM
I just bought the V600 yesterday @ a cingular corp store in upstate NY, and the salesperson had a V400 and the holster. She said, and I agreed, that the V600 was a tad loose in the V400 holster. It works, but given I've lost a phone before having it in a holster, I'd rather wait for their V600 specific one.

However, she did mention that they were going to be receiving a V600 specific holster soon, but didn't have any yesterday as the phone is still too new to them for specific accessories to be in stock.

On their pricing sheet that she showed me, they weren't even supposed to sell them until today the 15th, but they said screw it and have been selling what they've had all week. I got the last one, and unfortunately they weren't willing...

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